Anas Bouargane Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

How to Improve Cybersecurity Throughout Your Business

How to Improve Cybersecurity Throughout Your Business

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are finding themselves on the receiving end of a growing number of threats from cyberspace. Hackers are always looking for new ways of getting their hands on personal data which they can then either sell or hold to ransom. Ransomware is a problem that barely existed until relatively recently, but which is now plaguing businesses around the globe.

How to Create a Disaster Recovery Plan for a Business

How to Create a Disaster Recovery Plan for a Business

When everything is going smoothly, business owners seldom anticipate disaster.

How to Bolster your Enterprise by Using CNC

How to Bolster your Enterprise by Using CNC

CNC – or computer numerical control – refers to the process of assigning a machining task to a computer. Materials such as metal, plastic, wood, and more can be used for CNC, allowing your project to diversify and tap into a plethora of markets.

The Airline Industry is Facing Many Challenges According to Reports

The Airline Industry is Facing Many Challenges According to Reports

The airline industry has seen better days, and is finally feeling some of the backlash for the questionable practices they’ve been using. While recent cases have gone public and helped shed some light on the situation, this has been going on for a few years, and airlines have been complacent to say the least towards consumer complaints. Though the industry is still very strong globally, the climate is very different in places like the UK where issues like Brexit are having an effect on flight travel. Let’s take a look at some of the issues facing the airline industry and what should be done to correct the situation.

How Useful Are Software Free Trials?

How Useful Are Software Free Trials?

When you are investing in a new software package, you often wish that you could ‘try before you buy’. Of course, it is actually possible to do this if you choose the right software provider and don’t jump the gun when you are buying the package. With so many companies offering free trials in 2019 we wonder – how useful are they?

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