Anas Bouargane Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

Looking At the World Through Computer Vision

Looking At the World Through Computer Vision

Science has focused its efforts on replicating the complexity of what is the human vision system so that computers are able to recognize and process those same objects within an image or video as a human would. This process is computer vision development and it has come very far in the last several years even surpassing humans in various aspects as far as detecting and labeling items thanks to the advancement in AI and innovations in neural networks and deep learning.

How Embracing New Financing Strategies Can Boost Your SME

How Embracing New Financing Strategies Can Boost Your SME

Small businesses and startups often struggle to gather the capital they need for growth. Indeed, money lending institutions can make it difficult for new companies to apply for a commercial loan without a detailed account history or profit forecast. Unfortunately, innovative SMEs are not always in a position to fulfill the loan application requirements from banking institutions and other lending organizations. As a result, generating the funds, they need to sustain their growth and expand their business offerings can become an impossible challenge. 

The Importance of Discussing Personal Finance with Friends

The Importance of Discussing Personal Finance with Friends

It’s not the “done thing” to talk about money. Rightly or wrongly, asking someone how much they earn, or how much their possessions cost is generally considered impolite and invasive. The question is, why can’t we talk about the other bits of personal finance?

How to Beat Stress During College Exams?

How to Beat Stress During College Exams?

Stress is one of the biggest nightmares when it comes to college exams. The purpose of an exam is to assess the knowledge and skills acquired by students throughout a semester. However, when stress becomes an influencing factor, the whole purpose of fair assessment is gone.

7 Tips You Need To Take On Board To Succeed In Business

7 Tips You Need To Take On Board To Succeed In Business

There are so many businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs who are all looking to be successful with their ideas. However, being successful is easier said than done, and if you want to really stand out from the crowd, then it’s worth taking this advice. Here are 7 tips you need to take on board to succeed in business.

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