Conundrum Automation

A critical part of every company is becoming technology enabled, whether one is selling soap or providing services. Automation, quite rightfully, is one flight that people can't afford to miss. Everybody is looking at quick, easy wins in Automation to generate sweeping buy-in from stakeholders and move ahead or play catch up.


Disruption: Women and the Global Workforce

The economic empowerment of women is one of the biggest revolutions of the century. This transformation is one both with and without borders – a crusade that countries stand to win from and an alliance that unites women everywhere. While there are nuances across cultures, politics, and socioeconomic strata, the undeniable fact is that the success of this movement is one that is critical to overcoming productivity bottlenecks in many companies with the potential to add trillions of dollars to the global economy.


Role of a Researcher

Someone has rightly said “only a jeweler knows the right value of a diamond”. Doesn’t this proverb hold well for intellectual property as well? Who is the right person to contact if someone wishes to monetize his/her intellectual property assets? Before answering this question, let us first take this scenario to a different dimension. A dimension more relatable to the common masses i.e. Real Estate.

Top 9 Marketing Tools for Small Business

Top 9 Marketing Tools for Small Business

To stay ahead in today’s marketing domain, one needs to be an expert in exploring and adopting marketing tools for business. For businesses that have a social media presence and are willing to flourish their business online, the best way is to utilize the online marketing tools that are a requisite in today’s marketing space.


Blockchain and Businesses

Until now, we have read about this ground-breaking technology called ‘Blockchain’ and smart contracts that has the potential to disrupt industries across the globe. Recently, companies like Kodak and Reliance as well as countries such as Venezuela and the UAE have put up their plans to introduce crypto currencies in their respective companies/countries. Kodak witnessed a 220% surge in it's share price! Seeing the early adoptions and implementations, it is very natural for us to think of implementing Blockchain into our businesses.

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