Video Games That British Fans Loved Even More the Second Time Around

Video Games That British Fans Loved Even More the Second Time Around

Daniel Hall 01/07/2024
Video Games That British Fans Loved Even More the Second Time Around

A new study has ranked video game sequels that were better received than their originals.

The study analysed user ratings to determine which sequels impressed gamers the most. Titanfall saw the biggest increase in positive reception with its sequel, Titanfall 2. 


Using Metacritic, experts analysed user scores to determine which video game sequels are more loved than their originals. The sequels are ranked based on the percentage difference in scores made by gamers.

At number one is Titanfall 2, with a score difference of 26%. Titanfall was rated 6.8 by fans, while Titanfall 2 was rated 8.6 when it was released two years after the original in 2016.

Second is Red Steel 2, with a score difference of 25%. Released in 2010, the standalone sequel saw a user rating of 8, an improvement over the original Red Steel’s 6.4.

Fallout 2 and Assassin’s Creed 2 tie for third, both with a score difference of 21%. Assassin’s Creed 2 has a user rating of 8.8, a significant jump from the original's score of 7.3. One of the oldest games on the list, Fallout, had an original score of 7.5. This jumped to 9.1 with Fallout 2, which was released in 1998.

In fourth place is Just Cause 2, with a score difference of 20%. Centered around secret agent Rico Rodriguez, Just Cause returned with a sequel in 2010. Just Cause 2 earned a user rating of 7.9, an improvement from the original’s 6.6.

At number five is System Shock 2, with a score difference of 17%. First released in 1994, the game takes place on board a starship in a cyberpunk depiction of 2114. Users rated the original System Shock 7.8, but System Shock 2 improved with a score of 9.1.

Sixth is Battlefield 2, with a score difference of 16%. The sequel to the first-person shooter game received a user rating of 8.5, an improvement from the original’s score of 7.3.

Coming in seventh is Warcraft 2, with a score difference of 14%. Initially released in 1994, Warcraft saw a user rating of 8, while 1995’s Warcraft 2 received a rating of 9.1. The game has now evolved into World of Warcraft, which has an expansion scheduled to be released in 2024.

In eighth place is Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, with a score difference of 13%. Fans noticed an improvement in the game’s pacing and storyline, leaving Uncharted 2: Among Thieves with a user rating of 8.8, an increase from Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune’s score of 7.8.

Number nine is Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, with a score difference of 10%. 1997’s Age of Empires has a user rating of 8.2, while its sequel, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, has a score of 9.

Tenth is Saints Row 2, with a score difference of 11%. A direct follow-up to its original, Saints Row 2 has a user rating of 8.4. The riveting plot development seen in the sequel could be attributed to the improvement from the original’s score of 7.6.

Gabriele Asaro commented on the findings:

“It is encouraging to see so many franchises improve with their second release. User feedback is crucial in game development, and we are thrilled to see that so many gamers are impressed with the sequels of these popular games. Originals such as Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Age of Empires have already accomplished high user ratings, and fans can hold high standards for the games they love. Therefore, it is inspiring to witness franchises reach new heights with their sequels.”

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Daniel Hall

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Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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