Is Voice Authentication Reliable for Integrating into a CIAM Toolkit?

Rakesh Soni 02/07/2021

While technology grows leaps and bounds, enterprises embarking on their digital transformation journey face significant security challenges.

Authentication is undoubtedly one of them. 

Besides several authentication methods that we’re currently using, voice authentication can be a game-changer from a consumer’s identity and access management (CIAM) standpoint. 

Let’s quickly learn about voice authentication and how it can pave a path for robust and secure authentication.  

What is Voice Authentication?

Voice authentication or biometric voice authentication uses an individual’s voice to verify account identity whenever a user tries to log in. 

Like other biometric authentication, including fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, voice authentication can identify a user and provide access to services.  

How Does Voice Authentication Work?

Each of us has a different voice, and when it combines with factors like nasal passage, range, and pronunciation, we form a unique identity. The voice authentication mechanism intelligently creates a template of a user’s voice and saves it in its database. 

When the user tries to authenticate using voice, his/her voice is compared with the voice template previously created for that particular identity. 

It’s an easy process to create a voice template as the user needs to speak specific words or needs to record speech that can be used to authenticate in the future. 

Can Voice Recognition be used to Authenticate Users in a CIAM Ecosystem? 

Amid the global pandemic, when everyone was locked inside their homes and the internet became the second home for almost everyone across the globe, the number of security breaches increased substantially. 

The sudden increase in threats indicated a more robust authentication and authorization process is the need of the hour. 

Can voice recognition be the best alternative? Well, here’s the list of benefits businesses can enjoy with voice authentication in CIAM:

  • Enhanced Security, Reduced Fraud: 

Strong multi-factor authentication is undeniably the need for diverse industries as the growing number of fraud attacks have left enterprises in dire straits. 

Unlike security questions or PINs, which can be quickly compromised, voice authentication ensures that a person signing in is indeed the one they say they are. 

Moreover, the unique voice coupled with important characteristics of a human voice is perhaps the base for providing authentication in the near future that minimizes the chances of security threats and frauds. 

  • Better Consumer Experience 

A CIAM solution is not just about delivering a secure identity and access management experience but delivering the same without compromising the user experience. The biggest overlooked benefit of voice authentication is that it can enhance consumer experience up to a great extent. 

With voice authentication, the user need not provide long credentials or answer security questions to authenticate; rather, they just need to speak. This ensures that voice-based authentication mechanisms are best suited for multichannel and omnichannel deployments, which is the reason why it’s a win-win situation with regard to CIAM deployment. 

Moreover, the seamless user experience ensures smooth logins and eventually helps businesses yield better growth and generate more leads as users are always hunting for the best experiences in an ever-expanding digital world. 

  • Reduced Costs 

Since voice authentication is quite simple and quick, it can help save millions of dollars as it reduces the steps involved in the overall verification process. 

Furthermore, the average handle time is also reduced, and there’s less burden on the servers when users are quickly being authenticated and provided quick access to resources. 

So invoking the potential of voice authentication could be the finest solution to increasing efficiency in a business’s security process when coupled with other levels of authorization and authentication by utilizing a reliable CIAM solution. 

  • Fast and Frictionless 

One of the biggest advantages of voice authentication is that it’s fast, efficient, and frictionless. Since it’s a part of a multi-factor authentication process, voice authentication is quite easy for the end-users when compared to other forms of authentication, including but not limited to fingerprint authentication, passwords, one-time passwords. 

No matter if there are millions of users on a CIAM platform, voice authentication can be one of the easiest and most efficient ways to verify a user. 

Final Thoughts 

Voice authentication in a CIAM ecosystem is on the verge of becoming a major breakthrough as user experience coupled with effective workflow, and robust security is the need of the hour for enterprises. 

Businesses should immediately put their best foot forward to adopt a robust authentication platform that offers a seamless user experience backed by adequate security to propel growth and win consumer trust

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