How Artificial Intelligence is Creating Jobs in Emerging Tech Markets

Naveen Joshi 30/09/2021

Emerging countries are leveraging artificial intelligence to create new jobs for their skilled workers.

People are afraid of losing their jobs as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is replacing humans with automated systems. However, the truth about the impact of AI in employment is that it is not just stealing jobs but also creating them.

The use of AI technology is improving our world in many ways, but there are notable concerns about the impact of AI in employment and the workforce. People everywhere are voicing their opinions regarding whether AI will eliminate jobs or create them. Recently a debate over taxing robots has come up, because of the fear of AI eliminating jobs of millions of people. While it is easy to see existing jobs being disrupted by technology, it is much harder to visualize what jobs the technology can enable. Estimates show that by 2022, AI will generate 58 million new jobs. These jobs will vary depending on the industry, type of work, and other factors. For example, jobs will be created in industries like healthcare, public sector, and education. Whereas, the manufacturing sector will be the most affected in terms of job losses by AI. With so many contradictory opinions about the impact of AI in employment, it is a necessity to understand which jobs are safe and which are not. It is also important to know what kind of jobs AI will create in the emerging tech markets.

Impact of AI in Employment Services

Monotonous tasks can be easily performed by automated systems. The repetitive process of a particular task consumes most of the labor of a company. The repetitive tasks can be automated with the help of AI-enabled robots, which can make certain roles obsolete. The AI technology will also impact activities of call center operation, customer care operations, document classification, among others which are more based on the use of technology and less on labor work. The manufacturing sector will be the most affected by AI as it requires a huge amount of labor work. The everyday work of labor in the manufacturing sector includes finding and moving of objects, performing assembling operations, packing the end product, and other simple tasks that can be easily done by robots.

How AI is Creating Jobs

Source: Eaton Business School

The use of AI systems in various industries has increased the need to monitor and maintain those systems. The use of AI technology will require people who can create AI systems, people who can monitor the working of AI systems, and people who can make decisions from the predictions of AI systems. There are also jobs that will not be created by the use of AI, but because of the AI. For example, as AI technology becomes more prominent, people will try to get more knowledge and information about it. Researchers and writers can provide information about technology in their academic works. Hence, the job requirement for academics may grow because of AI.

The use of AI in employment services can take over smaller and time-consuming tasks, but it cannot entirely replace humans. In most of the cases, AI will play a supportive role to humans. Robots and humans will have to complement each other to get better results. Companies are taking initiatives to upskill their workers to teach them the use of AI systems. Thus, the requirement is to get ready for the future of AI. Companies need to reskill their workers, to specialize them according to the need of a company.

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