More in Technology

7 years

Artificial Intelligence and Everyday Life

AI has proved to be a talisman for multiple industries. Ever wondered about artificial intelligence examples that the common man is enjoying?

7 years

Big Data and Cyber Espionage

While big data is empowering business decisions with information abundance, cyber espionage is on the rise too! Ever saw your computer’s cursor move on your screen automatically? While you safely assumed it was a system fault, an autonomous identity was using your system, hacking your applications, and dragging your data to the threshold of being stolen.

7 years

Technology is Transforming Project Management

Moving ahead of traditional project management techniques, technology in project management has revamped how companies and executives are working on their projects.

7 years

Politics and Data Analytics

Big data analytics in politics? They have nothing in common! How could it be possible? Traditional political campaigns relied on aiming at the target audience in a more localized fashion. During traditional campaigns, we used to hear speakers urging people to vote for a specific party, and as a result could reach out to a limited audience only. Such electoral campaigns did have an effect on the people, but a rather small one. Analytics in politics is changing that.

7 years

Does My Business Need Hadoop?

Did Hadoop seem interesting to your organization, and you’re considering plans to implement it already? 

7 years

Everything That Can Be Invented Has Been Invented

In 1889, Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office. He is widely quoted as having stated that the patent office would soon shrink in size, and eventually close, because… 

7 years

Are Data Warehouses a Thing of the Past?

With almost everything around us becoming a source of data, it’s proving to be quite a challenge for traditional data warehouses to support such fast changing and high on volume data. So is data warehouse a thing of the past already?