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6 years

How Smart Manufacturers Avoid Nasty, Bad, Horrible Product Reviews

In today’s social media world, a bad product review can cause immediate brand damage. As a result, more manufacturing executives are determined now more than ever to catch costly quality errors before they ship to market. 

6 years

Big Data Meets Artificial Intelligence to Create New Possibilities

Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are innovative technologies in their own right. By combining big data with artificial intelligence, we can analyze and monitor large data sets in unique and unexplored ways. 

6 years

Blockchain - The Internet of Value

Around a million years ago, the early men discovered something so fascinating that it changed the course of human history forever. It was the discovery of fire. Humans were aware of the existence of fire for a long time, but finding a way to control it, is what made the difference. The discovery of fire led to the discovery of cooking. For the first time in history, humans were able to roast meat, which made it soft and easily chewable, this in turn resulted is shrinking of our jaw bones, which gave more space for the brain to grow and hence made us more intelligent! Although many of us are vegetarians nowadays, but if our distant ancestors had not eaten roasted meat, we might still be living on grasslands today!

6 years

How do Successful Brands do Content Marketing?

Recently, I came across MentorBox, a company that has a different business model as compared to Amazon. Amazon sells books, MentorBox too, but its product, positioning, targeting and marketing — everything is 180 degrees different from Amazon.

6 years

Tackling Cyber Attacks in the Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector is one of the most risk-prone sectors to cyber attacks across the globe. With consistent cyber attacks on the healthcare sector in recent times. It can be said that this growing sector has undoubtedly caught the attention of cyber attackers.

6 years

How Augmented Reality Can Help Disabled Persons

Augmented reality (AR) has become of the most fundamental pillars of our contemporary society. One of the most exciting things about this technology is that it evolves and morphs into better applications each year. The hype around AR is real and is about to grow exponentially in the coming years.

6 years

Diamond or Water - What do you want to be?

Diamond and water are two of the most valuable substances on our planet. But why do we give so much value to these substances? Let us find out.