More in Technology

6 years

Drones are here to set these 5 industries on fire

Smart, self-operated drones are revolutionizing different industries by transforming the way businesses and individuals perform functions that involve continuous supervision and efficient transportation.

6 years

An Ode to the Crypto Stayers

When cryptos fall, as they often will, 

6 years

Are Cryptocurrencies Getting Weaker or is the Dollar Getting Stronger?

If you were in stocks in October, the rout in tech stocks and the overall malaise would have had you reaching for your pumpkin spice fix. And amidst the sharp drops in oil and European stocks, the dollar continued to ascend its peak for this year. Investors have ignored fiat currencies at their peril since the dollar started its slow ascent in April, around the time when cryptocurrencies also started their long slide, like an old man getting into a warm bath, even the new digital asset class was not spared global economic shifts.

6 years

Capitalizing on IoT to Revolutionize CX in these 3 Ways

While the internet of things (IoT) greatly enhances a business’ data gathering capability, it also helps organisations take appropriate actions to improve customer experience.

6 years

Big Tech is Coming for Fintech & Why Decentralization is More Urgent Than Ever

While all the attention has been on how the world of finance would be disrupted by cryptocurrencies, the 800-pound gorilla in the room has been moving unnoticed. With companies such as Amazon dominating everything from the way we shop, to the way we are entertained and the very fabric of the internet (via Amazon Web Services), it would make sense that the tech juggernaut would sweep in on the last remaining bastion of our lives — finance. And in this regard, Amazon is not alone. Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple have been expanding into payments and other financial services as the tech companies become even more dominant than ever in all aspects of our modern lives.

6 years

The Days of Easy Returns Are Over

October is a month most investors would have preferred to forget. As the weather noticeably cools, T-shirts are being swapped out for sweaters and all things pumpkin spice are appearing everywhere (Seriously? Chicken wings?), investors are reeling from grim returns. The falling leaves coincided with the falling markets, which hit passive investors more than most. With central banks removing the oxygen of easy money, the roaring fire of the stock market is starting to turn volatile once again.

6 years

How Blockchain and Virtual Reality are Reshaping the Art industry

After revolutionizing the finance and entertainment industries, respectively, blockchain and VR are now playing a combined, highly impactful role in transforming the art industry.