5 Steps for Successful Enterprise of Things Deployment

Naveen Joshi 17/02/2019 6

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not only revolutionizing our lives but also proving beneficial to enterprises. But for a thriving Enterprise of Things (EoT) deployment, companies should primarily understand the main requirements to build successful strategies.

When we think of IoT, most of us envision a ‘smart house,’ ‘IoT-enabled wearables,’ or a ‘smart environment.’ We always talk of how IoT helps consumers, enhances their experience, and adds comfort to their lifestyles. While the buzz is around IoT impacting consumers, we often fail to realize that the technology can have a significant role in enterprises too. A report on Enterprise of Things says that there will be 9.1 billion EoT devices by the end of the year 2019. Leveraging IoT in enterprises will, undoubtedly, create a new wave for business efficiency, accuracy, and development. Adopting new technology means making modifications to enterprise architecture, ensuring high-level privacy, and even guaranteeing security. But any change to the ‘smooth-running’ legacy infrastructure of any enterprise is not simple. Hence, before incorporating IoT, organizations should first take into account the requirements for the Enterprise of Things, understand them clearly, set them as their prime goal, and then strive hard to find a suitable strategy. However, this is easier said than done. We, therefore, provide you with several steps that would help you achieve successful EoT deployment, driving you to innovation:

1. Hire a Team of Experts

Technologies can never work independently (as of now, at least). For deriving maximum benefit from IoT, organizations should first build a strong team that has the potential to deal with every single demand that comes across. IT experts should work together, use their amazing brains, and try to find ways to accomplish IoT success.

2. Build a List of Business Goals

Organizations should have fundamental clarity on the the need for adopting IoT in enterprises. Listing down the problem statement will help an organization with the reason for IoT adoption. Not only the ‘problem statement,’ but enterprises should also recognize the impact of the technology regarding enterprise productivity and growth.

3. Identify IoT Enabled Devices

Based on the recognized business objectives, an organization should analyze the equipment that could be connected to the Internet from the inventory of enterprise things. Companies can then accordingly buy the required number of sensors, cameras, and actuators. By identifying this need, enterprises will also get an idea of how EoT data will help them achieve their business goals.

4. Analyze Data Appropriately

Once you set up an EoT infrastructure, where you embed sensors, actuators, and cameras to your hardware objects, you will collect data from these devices. It is obvious that you will gather a lot of data from these devices that could overwhelm you. Manually scanning and analyzing the data will not give you good results and insights. Hence, it is mandatory for organizations to leverage data analytics tool, AI, and ML for gaining actionable and fruitful insights.

5. Ensure High-Level Security

Organizations leveraging any modern-age technology should strictly ensure that security is not compromised by any means. Similarly, organizations leveraging IoT should build a stringent security policy and governance model, focusing on ‘who’ can access, control, and manage the data. Data breaches are frightening, hence tightening the security strategy before deploying the technology is a better option. Deploying EoT is quite challenging, of course. But with powerful resources and an effective strategy in place, it is not that difficult also. Understand thoroughly the steps mentioned above, follow them, and transform your business with IoT.

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  • Stephen Bowman

    The Internet of Things is emerging as one of the most significant developments of our time.

  • Adam Rzymowski

    Connecting people and things will be the new norm for consumers.

  • Tom Lally

    IoT is transforming how enterprises develop, market, distribute and sell products.

  • Robert Oakes

    Businesses must be able to confidentially and reliably transmit sensitive data between endpoints.

  • Matt Geddis

    Companies jumping on the IoT bandwagon without a plan to fully implement an Enterprise of Things (EoT) consolidated strategy are wasting valuable resources.

  • Sam Johnson

    EoT is becoming a significant part of nearly all companies' plans for the next five years.