5 Reasons Why You Need to Make a Website For Your Small Business

Anas Bouargane 03/12/2020 6

With all the recent changes in technology come changes in shopping as well.

People find new and better ways to buy their clothes, food, games, cars, electronics, and so on.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift from shopping at brick-and-mortar stores to shopping online. It is more convenient, efficient, and in times like these, it is simply a better choice.

Online business statistics point to the fact that more and more traditional businesses are transitioning to the eCommerce industry. Also, more and more people are starting to shop from their computers, laptops, and smartphones.

But why is this important for you and your business? Should you create a website for your business too?

In this article, we listed the five important reasons why your small business needs a website.

1. A New Presence Attracts New Customers

Some entrepreneurs love how things used to work ten years ago in the world of business. Back then, people would only visit stores that had a physical presence. 

And while there are some benefits to that, wouldn’t it be great to tap into a new customer pool?  It is fine to keep your brick-and-mortar store, as it will most likely still generate revenue. But why not take advantage of the internet too?

More and more people nowadays only shop at online stores, and this is a clear signal that there is a portion of customers waiting for your business there. On top of that, when you realize that 81% of people research a business or service online before making a purchase decision, it is wise to have a website where customers can look for your products.

To put it simply, not having a website means failing to grab a share of the market.

The best bit about having a business website is that it will be available all the time. Even when you are resting, it will still be online available to people.

2. Boost Credibility

Millennials and Gen Z shoppers are quite skeptical by nature. They will go through review websites and even seek comments and testimonials before they make a decision whether or not to buy a product.

On top of that, there is this trend where people do not trust a business that does not have a website. To be precise, a whopping 56% of people claim they will not trust a business that has no website, and that means that they will not buy from it. On the other hand, a good website is an instant credibility boost that proves that your business is completely legitimate.

However, as our attention span is becoming shorter and shorter, keep in mind that the first impression is very important. That’s why you need to be careful when picking your domain name and choosing your website visuals.

The web address means a lot for the first impression, so be extra careful with it. It has to align well with what your business represents, its values and industry.

And while you need to do your own research and learn more about the ins and outs of domain names, you don’t necessarily have to go for an expensive one. Sometimes opting to buy cheap domain names is a good idea if you can find one that goes perfectly with your brand.

3. Website is Needed for Growth

As a small business owner looking to expand, you have to consider all the benefits of having an online presence.

You will be able to tap into new markets and reach out to new customers. And even though traditional face-to-face interactions are important and business often comes from word-of-mouth marketing, a good business website allows you to show everyone what you do and what your values are. Think of it as passing your card out to thousands and thousands of people online for free.

On top of that, if you decide to build an online shop, you will be able to sell your products worldwide. Nowadays, it is possible to ship products virtually anywhere.

For instance, you might find out that customers in a neighboring city or state are interested in your services, which can lead to a larger service area and maybe even an expansion to regional offices. Simply put, a website can help you reach new people and new opportunities for growth.

4. Get the Edge Over Your Rivals

As we already stated, more and more people use the internet to do research before they make a purchase? Customers nowadays want to be informed about their purchasing decisions. They want to know exactly what they are buying and who they are buying it from.

That is why not having a website could lead to losing customers while your rivals are probably reaping the rewards of the online marketplace. If your direct rivals have websites, they will have a clear advantage over you. And if they know how to market properly, they will leave you miles behind.

Therefore, having your own website means leveling the playing field. That is the only way to stay competitive in the modern market.

5. A Website Provides Easy Access

Last but certainly not least, a website provides people with easy access to your business. When purchasing a product or service, the vast majority of people go for an easily accessible business that can be reached whenever they wish to.

People usually use the website to reach a business. The main reason behind this is that a website is a place where they can find all the information about your business. They can see who you are, what services you sell, and how they can reach out to you.

Additionally, an official website makes you available 24/7, which means that customers can reach out to you at any hour of the day. The website makes it convenient for consumers to contact you and buy your products or services. You can even keep track of your customers on the site thanks to various analytics and marketing tools.

All in all, customers will have easy access to your business. However, you will also get an insight into their shopping habits and patterns that can be used to craft marketing strategies in the future.

Ready to Set up a Website?

Some people may still believe that not every business needs a website. But from what you have just read in this article, you can clearly see that is a completely wrong claim. These five reasons are not the only reasons why having a website should be a priority, they are just the more prominent ones.

Fortunately, nowadays, it is not too difficult to create a website. There are numerous website builders that don’t require users to have extensive technical knowledge to build a website.

So, make sure that you seriously consider building a website as soon as possible. After all, this will directly impact your business and its success.

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  • Chris Sayers

    Setting up a website only takes few minutes. Having a website is the first step to get discovered by new people and let your existing customers find you.

  • John Russell

    I've started a small business website and I am getting more online orders than expected.

  • Gareth Watkinson

    I manage 3 blogs and it's fun so far.

  • Craig Skinne

    Good stuff

  • Luke K

    Excited to get started!

  • Tony Linton
