Welcome to a World of Opportunities

At a seminar once, the seminar leader said to draw a circle on a page.

He then said to put a dot in the middle of the page. I did so. As I learned, the dot represented me, and the circle around me represented everything I knew, everyone I knew, and all the influence and connections that I had in this world. He then asked that we draw another circle and put another dot in the middle. That represented another person, presumably any one else in the room that day. 

The seminar leader then went on to say that every time you encounter another person you potentially open yourself up to a world of opportunities, knowledge, contacts and influence that you don’t tend to notice based on only a brief encounter. 

Among funeral home directors, it is known that a deceased person who lived in the same geographic area for most of his/her life might "pull" about 200 people to his/her

People can surprise you! You might have friends you've known for years and have yet to discover some of their strengths and capabilities, some of which can benefit you! 

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