How Can You Get An ISBN Number For Your Book in 2024?

Daniel Hall 01/06/2024

In 2024, publishing a book—whether it's an eBook, paperback, or hardcover—requires a crucial element: an ISBN number.

ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a unique identifier for books, allowing for easier cataloging, sales tracking, and distribution.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to obtain an ISBN number for your book in 2024, along with information about helpful ISBN services.

What is an ISBN?

An ISBN is a 13-digit code that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. It standardizes book identification, making it easier for bookstores, libraries, distributors, and online retailers to find, catalog, and sell your book. Each edition and format of a book (e.g., hardcover, paperback, eBook) requires its own ISBN.

Why Do You Need an ISBN?

  1. Distribution and Sales: Most bookstores and online retailers require an ISBN for listing and selling books.

  2. Library Cataloging: Libraries use ISBNs to catalog books efficiently.

  3. Professional Appearance: Having an ISBN enhances the credibility and professionalism of your publication.

  4. Sales Tracking: ISBNs help track sales and distribution data.

How to Get an ISBN Number in 2024

Step 1: Prepare Your Book Details

Before you apply for an ISBN, gather all necessary information about your book, including:

  • Title

  • Author name

  • Publisher name

  • Publication date

  • Book format (e.g., eBook, paperback, hardcover)

  • Edition number (if applicable)

Step 2: Choose an ISBN Provider

When it comes to obtaining an ISBN, ISBN Services stands out as the premier provider, offering comprehensive and user-friendly services that cater to both new and experienced authors. Here’s a detailed guide on how to obtain an ISBN from ISBN Services, and why they are the best in the market:

ISBN Services (Global)

ISBN Services is a leading provider offering a seamless process to obtain ISBNs. Here’s how you can get your ISBN through them:

Create an Account

  • Visit ISBN Services Website: Go to ISBN Services and click on "Create Account."

  • Fill in Your Details: Provide your name, email address, and other required information to set up your account.

  • Verify Your Email: Confirm your email address through the verification link sent to your inbox.

Purchase ISBNs

  • Choose Your Package: ISBN Services offers flexible packages to suit different needs, whether you need a single ISBN or a bundle (e.g., 10, 50, 100 ISBNs).

  • Select Additional Services: You can also choose additional services like barcode creation, metadata management, and book promotion tools.

  • Secure Payment: Complete your purchase securely through their payment gateway.

Register Your Book

  • Log In to Your Account: Access your ISBN Services account to register your book’s details.

  • Provide Book Information: Enter all necessary details such as title, author name, publication date, and book format.

  • Save Your Information: Ensure all the details are correct and save the registration.

Receive Your ISBN

  • Assigned ISBN: Once the registration is complete, ISBN Services will assign an ISBN to your book.

  • Download ISBN Details: You can download the ISBN details and barcode directly from your account dashboard.

  • Ready for Use: Your ISBN is now ready to be printed on your book cover and used in all your book-related activities.

Step 3: Apply for an ISBN

Follow the application process on your chosen provider’s website. You will need to:

  • Fill out an application form with your book’s details.

  • Pay the applicable fee (varies by provider and the number of ISBNs purchased).

  • Submit the form.

Step 4: Receive and Use Your ISBN

Once your application is processed, you will receive your ISBN. Use this ISBN on your book’s cover, title page, copyright page, and in all metadata associated with your book. For print books, you may also want to generate a barcode using the ISBN, which can be done through your ISBN provider or third-party services.

Why ISBN Services is the Best in the Market

Comprehensive Packages

ISBN Services offers a variety of packages that are tailored to meet the needs of different types of authors and publishers. Whether you are publishing one book or multiple titles, their packages provide flexibility and value for money.

Additional Support

ISBN Services goes beyond just providing ISBNs. They offer extensive support, including:

  • Barcode Creation: Ensuring your book meets retail standards.

  • Metadata Management: Helping your book get discovered more easily through better metadata.

  • Book Promotion Tools: Providing resources to help you market your book effectively.

Global Reach

Unlike some providers that are limited to specific regions, ISBN Services caters to a global audience, making it easy for authors and publishers from any country to obtain ISBNs.

User-Friendly Platform

Their website is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making the entire process of obtaining an ISBN straightforward and hassle-free. Detailed guides and FAQs are available to assist you at every step.

Excellent Customer Service

ISBN Services prides itself on offering top-notch customer service. Their support team is available to answer any questions and provide assistance throughout the process.

Trusted by Authors and Publishers

ISBN Services is highly regarded in the publishing community for their reliability and quality of service. Numerous authors and publishers trust ISBN Services for their professionalism and efficiency.

ISBN Services is the optimal choice for obtaining ISBNs due to their comprehensive packages, additional support services, global reach, user-friendly platform, and excellent customer service. Whether you are a new author or an experienced publisher, ISBN Services ensures that getting an ISBN is a smooth and efficient process.


Obtaining an ISBN number for your book in 2024 is a straightforward process that significantly enhances your book's marketability and professional appearance. By choosing a reliable ISBN service provider like Bowker or Nielsen, and following the outlined steps, you can ensure your book is correctly identified and cataloged in the global marketplace. Whether you are a self-published author or a small publisher, securing an ISBN is an essential step in your publishing journey.

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