Don’t Let Others Dissuade You From Your Goal

Invariably, when you decide to pursue a huge goal, someone will come along and tell you not to do it. 

"It can't be done."
"It shouldn't be done."
"You can't do it.”
 “You shouldn't do it.”
"You're going to fail."    

Don't be surprised if you hear these kinds of admonitions. The typical person does not embrace change, doesn't see the possibilities that you see, and can't envision a successful conclusion. Hence, you can't take a quick survey of others and expect to get any kind of meaningful input.

It is valuable if others whom you trust and who know you well point out specific hazards to your vaulted goals.  For example, if others are able to offer poignant, factual information that you would logically need to know to have a realistic notion of what it will take to achieve your goal, then more power to them and to you. 

If you understand the impediments that you face, you're far better off than if you proceed blindly. When you understand the pitfalls and are still committed to proceed full speed ahead, then the choice is indeed yours, and it's a grand one.

Let's Get Unreasonable

I read once that nothing of lasting value is accomplished by reasonable men and women. It is the unreasonable people in society, the discontent, the dreamers who nevertheless have their feet firmly planted on solid ground, or the visionaries, who improve peoples' lives or in rare instances help to advance society.

The reasonable man or woman can talk himself or herself out of anything, no matter how great the merit of the venture or cause.You probably could stand to be bit more unreasonable when it comes to your goals.

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