Artist Manager Sabrina Li Who Works with Grammy Winners Offers Tips to Songwriters/Musicians

“Sabrina was so impressive that I asked her to come on board with us to work on Multi-Grammy winning producer/artist Frank Dukes, and she had a transformative impact on our work. Her mix of personality and experience is incredibly difficult to find in the music industry—Matthew Hill, Managing Director at Young Artist”

How about this for cred?

Dynamic Artist Manager Sabrina Li has worked with and supported the management teams of several high-profile music performers/songwriters, including: 11-time Grammy nominated R&B artist Lucky Daye; 8-time Platinum artist Che Ecru; among others and she has also worked with Multi-Grammy winning artist/producer Frank Dukes on his album, “The Way of Ging.”

Hong Kong-born, London-raised, and now LA-based Li says, “With my international background and upbringing, I’m able to advise and bring different perspectives on business, and offer my overall way of perceiving the world. Because, as an artist manager, you’re responsible for developing and building artists' careers as well as helping them maneuver through this rapidly changing industry.”

Li is currently on the management teams of celebrated artists like Lucky Daye, Che Ecru, Emmavie, Devin Tracy, Anjali Taneja and others. And, she has worked closely with notable production collectives like Soulection. As a result of this great networking, she feels her best strength is her “ability to understand how to connect with people and to maintain relationships.”

So, what does this “go-to” artist manager offer as advice for musicians/songwriters?


Make music. If you’re feeling inspired, then create. At the end of the day, the music is the most important thing.

•Nurture your community around you, find people that are in the same lane with you or in the same music world as you and build a community where you can help each other grow.

Be creative with your visuals, it’ll go a long way. Most of the time, you don’t have to spend a crazy amount of money to create something unique and stunning.

Learn and study the music industry and the business, as it’s too easy to just leave it to your management/business people to be in charge of anything you don’t want to take care of. However, the more you know the more you can protect yourself.

Content is so important, so creating visuals, music videos, visualisers, BTS, something that your audience can WATCH and interact with can go a long way.

She adds that because social media has become so pervasive and such a powerful tool, “artists have more power to take their musical path into their own hands and, with their management team, they have more leverage to kickstart momentum in their career.

On the other side of the coin, here are some brief key “Don’ts” including: don’t jump into signing any contract; don’t lose patience with your career’s progress and keep creating; don’t overlook maintaining a healthy work and lifestyle, don’t overdo it; and, don’t let your ego take over once you start to do really well.

As for what’s upcoming, ambitious and totally focused Sabrina Li reports there will be a lot more new music coming out this year from all the artists she works with—Devin’s set to release some “really amazing songs” and Emmavie will be performing at Cross the Tracks in the UK, this year. She’s also been applying her artist management skills to working with Too Lost, a distribution company that’s recently been published on Billboard Music.

One last thing, because Sabrina Li believes that connections are key, she’s convinced that you have to be “authentic” in your intentions and that being true to who you are will help you attract and create connections that are meant for you. She further explains that energy never lies, suggesting, “When you meet someone, ask yourself if the connection feels natural and does their energy feel genuine? Understanding that energy and trusting yourself will help you further maneuver in the industry.”

This dynamo of an artist manager, who has worked on behalf of her clients with major companies/brands like Converse, Budweiser, YouTube, Spotify, Sony Music, Universal Music Group to Monki, and Levi’s among others, is shooting for the stars.


Drop in on Sabrina Li Management, and check her out on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and her Linktree page.

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  • James Curtis

    Sabrina Li's experience and success in the music industry is truly impressive, and her advice for musicians and songwriters is invaluable. I appreciate her emphasis on creating music and nurturing a supportive community.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: James Curtis

    Excellent observations, James. Thanks for reading.

  • Alex Moore

    It's refreshing to see an artist manager like Sabrina Li who values authenticity and genuine connections in the industry. It shows that success can come from being true to yourself and building meaningful relationships.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Alex Moore

    She is very authentic and finds artists who feel likewise. Cheers

  • Lee Johnson

    Well I am excited to hear about all the new music coming out this year from the talented artists Sabrina Li works with. It's clear she has a knack for identifying and supporting rising stars.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Lee Johnson

    Very true, Lee. Thanks for reading.

  • Yannick Mason

    Her emphasis on learning about the music industry and protecting oneself is so important. It's easy for artists to get caught up in their creative work, but understanding the business side is crucial for long-term success.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Yannick Mason

    Very true, two sides, the music and the business sides. Both need attending. Cheers

  • Owen P

    Sabrina's background and international perspective bring a unique approach to artist management. It's inspiring to see someone with such diverse experiences making a name for themselves in the music industry.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Owen P

    She's one smart cookie, and really driven. Plus, she loves her neo-soul and R&B!

  • Ahmed Mustapha

    Really love that Sabrina Li encourages artists to be creative with their visuals and content. In today's digital age, having a strong visual identity and engaging content can make all the difference in building a fan base.

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Ahmed Mustapha

    Well said, Ahmed. Thanks.

  • Sam Perry

    It's impressive to see Sabrina Li's impressive client list and her work with major companies/brands. It's a testament to her skills as an artist manager and her ability to navigate the industry and secure opportunities for her clients

  • ashley collie

    In reply to: Sam Perry

    Her focus is almost laser-like. Cheers