More in Society

6 years

Science of Learning: The Creative Process

I’ve written generally about creativity, the individual dispositional traits and attitudes conducive to creativity, and how the environment and culture a person finds themselves can help or hinder creativity. Today I’m writing a little bit about the creative process itself based on interviews with individuals who have been recognized for creating using creativity as a higher order thinking skill as well as some research carried out over the last century.

6 years

The Half-Life of Knowledge and Content

The fixation of higher education (HE) on delivering content in the world of information abundance is baffling.

6 years

The Secret to a Happy Life

I've been flying free for the past couple of months. No job. Only teaching my MEGA Assistant University classes, taking the odd project here and there, and turning down a number of good offers (on paper) just to decompress a bit from my last role and really focus on the direction I want to sprint in next. It's equal parts flattering and weird to hear people call me "the next big thing" and "the fresh new voice on the scene" advocating for Executive and Personal Assistants. It's no secret. I LOVE being an Executive Assistant and I love helping others realize their potential. I hate BS, so I tell it like it is. I never imagined that telling the truth would thrust me into such a spotlight. But, mmm kay. I'm down if you are!

6 years

The Dance And The Dancer

How can you separate the dancer from the dance?

6 years

10 Super Rare Traits That Prove You Are Meant to Lead People

A quick search for the word “leadership” gives you about 100+ ways to ignite the leader within you. Some suggest that showing empathy towards your team will make you a leader and, for some, holding a dominant position in the group is what it takes to be a leader. With endless possibilities and prospects, the question of the day is – Is there a simplified definition of what you should do to be a leader?

6 years

Journey On Until You Meet Yourself

Journey on until you meet yourself

6 years

10 Things Your Boss Is Tired of Hearing

The boss-employee relationships can be “overly complicated” at times, especially when there are unnecessary excuses instead of meaningful results. Whether you've been in an organization for a month or 5 years, your boss (and everyone else) perceives you from what you say and how you behave under certain situation/responsibilities. One wrong comment or question can change everyone's perspective about you and even sabotage an otherwise great job. That's why it is important that you stay cautious about the words that come out of your mouth, especially when you're interacting with your boss.