More in Society

7 years

The Silent Warriors

Ask anyone what the most important day of the year is to them and you will get answers ranging from their birthday to Election Day. How many will say their mother’s birthday? For some unknown reasons, mothers get overlooked or down played a bit.

7 years

The War Against Fake News

The problem with the news found on social media is that they are not often true. In its early days there used to be a saying about the internet: one-third commerce, one-third quack remedies and one-third nuttiness. The proportions may have changed a little since, but conspiracy theories are as prominent as ever.

8 years

Japan's Artificial Intelligence Debate

It is no secret that Japan’s population is getting older, but it’s not alone in facing a grey tsunami of ageing.

8 years

A Glimpse of Hope in Unpleasant Times

God is forgiving and merciful.

8 years

Rise Above Hate

The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

8 years

Reading Can Change Your Life Forever

Reading books remains one of the best ways to become a better person, engage with the world, and understand life’s questions, big and small.