More in Society

7 years

Differentiated Teaching Method for Children

The Delhi government has introduced a differentiated teaching method two years ago - something we at Teach For India have already been trying since forever.

7 years

Be Here to Shine

Question: Are you clear and honest about your motivations in everything you do? More and more often I come across people who are existing, not living. They complete tasks, play the game and scrap through the day only to feel unfulfilled, under appreciated and empty. And what I've figured out is that most people are flying blind. No real plan. Going along with the crowd. Doing just enough to get by. And becoming more and more miserable by the day.

7 years

In striking a balance!

The following striking words will make you think of the infinite power of finding a balance. These verses are dedicated to the human spirit of perseverance in spite of the odds!

7 years

Higher Order Thinking Skills

Although many higher education specialists expect that students should arrive at university or college with critical thinking abilities, they don’t. The myelination of the frontal lobes enables abstract thinking with 60% of grade 12 students only above to understand and manipulate two abstract concepts simultaneously. Higher order thinking skills rely on the ability to understand and manipulate abstract concepts.

7 years

How Should Business Leaders Handle Personal Questions on TV?

There were two controversies surrounding public figures being asked personal questions on camera this week, which provide hugely valuable lessons for senior business leaders.

7 years

Are you Ok ?

The title of this poem is inspired by Lance Scoular's very relevant post that speaks for Suicide Prevention and the thoughts seeded from the very reflective post recently by Fatima Williams instilling self worth in times of lost esteems lost hopes and lost battles. A topic many refuse to confront as it is too sensitive to deal with. But its prevelance and increasing numbers only show the need for empathy consciousness in today's world. A little sensitivity and empathy can go along way in prevention of widespread negligence by society on such issues.

7 years

Each Hospitalization Makes me Stronger

As a Type 1 Diabetic, I am no stranger to a hospital room. When I was initially diagnosed at the age of 2 my blood glucose was 949. A reading over 125 is a sign of diabetes, meaning, I was close to comatose and possibly death. This experience was incredibly traumatic and thankfully my parents brought me for a second opinion because the first doctor sent me home.