More in Society

7 years

The Right Stuff

No, I mean The Right Answer. What is the right answer? What is the right solution? What is the right conclusion? What is the right thinking? What did I say? What is the right answer?

7 years

A Universal Basic Allowance for all Moms

I was in mumbai recently attending the #ETwomensforum where we had industry experts, thought leaders, inspiring women share their perspectives on what it takes to make a real change to #genderequality at the work place and thereby create a sustained pool of #womenleaders who can become CXOs in the future in their respective organizations.

7 years

Knowing How to Follow-Up Will Grow Your Brand and Business

No matter what your job is or the title you have, sales is part of your daily routine. If you are a scientist trying to secure a grant or a barber, you have to sell a group of people — or one — on why are the right person for the job. One of the most important parts of sales is following up — which can strengthen your ability to close a deal. 

7 years

Peace, Prosperity, and Potential

Now, this is a big one. Given the behavioral changes that occur when people are taught higher order thinking skills, imagine the world we would live in if we taught every person who emerged from higher education higher order thinking skills. The Science of Learning tells us how these skills can be taught; we just have to want to do it.

7 years

Dear Networker - Are you Creating a Real Network?

I am addicted to LinkedIn. I come to this site ten times a day. Though, I am not happy about it, but I know, it's a thousand times better addiction than that of the "Facebook or Instagram". The good thing is the more I visit this platform, the more and more interesting people and stuff I meet and come across. My primary reason to come here is - people.

7 years

Stories - Chapter 22

I was miserable. I thought it was because of the company, the people, the incentive system – all flawed. I was struggling. I wanted changes. I tried, in many ways. One day, I finally told my boss that I wanted to quit. After that, they changed my job title, content, salary. So I stayed. But still, I was unhappy. I went to career councils. I didn’t know what was wrong. I didn’t know what I was doing and why. I felt that I was wasting my life. I felt like a boiling frog. I was frustrated, desperate. I was lost.

7 years

Shock: I Will Miss the Protesters

I have had protesters outside my apartment in Washington DC since I returned from British Columbia 10 days ago. They are objecting to the use of aversives and GED at The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton, MA. At the start of the protest, I had never heard the term “aversives.” And despite being an educator, I had no knowledge of The Judge Rotenberg Education Center. I had assumed that we had long ago abandoned torture as a form of getting student compliance.