7 Most Beautiful Birds In The World That Are The Rarest To Spot

7 Most Beautiful Birds In The World That Are The Rarest To Spot

Daniel Hall 23/09/2024
7 Most Beautiful Birds In The World That Are The Rarest To Spot

It is a birdwatcher's dream to see the rare species of birds. Not only is it tough to locate such species, but the excitement level when it finally appears multiplies due to the species' rarity.

Some of the rarest birds worldwide are known for their vibrant colors, unique behaviors, or threatened populations. Such beautiful and rarely seen birds symbolize the fragility of ecosystems and, of course, the necessity to continue with conservation efforts.

In this article, you will learn more about 7 beautiful birds considered the rarest to be seen in their natural habitats. For each species, read something unique about their habitat, how they look, and why they are so scarce. So, let’s begin to explore!

1. Spix’s Macaw


Spix's Macaw gained fame after the animated film Rio depicted an invented version of the survival that this bird had to undergo. This bird is native to Brazil and has bright blue feathers and a friendly and social nature that influenced it to become well-known in the pet trade. Unfortunately, habitat destruction and illegal capture led to its dramatic decline.

With all breeding programs, a few released back to the wild in recent years give a glimmer of hope for the species' future. Spot one of them, and it will become the rarest of events since they remain critically endangered despite efforts to restore their population.

2. Kakapo


The Kakapo is a unique, flightless parrot of New Zealand and an endemic most beautiful bird in the world. Also known as the owl parrot due to its facial resemblance to an owl, this nocturnal bird has a greenish-yellow plumage that perfectly helps it blend into the surrounding forests. Kakapo is threatened by introduced predators and habitat destruction, and by the 1990s, the species' population was near threatened.

Currently, fewer than 250 specimens are left, and all of them are under the watchful eyes of various conservationists. These birds are mostly found on predator-free islands where they exist. Despite the ongoing conservation processes, which aim to ensure a population, a wild Kakapo is rare due to its critically low population. This case by the Kakapo reminds one of the vulnerability of species when human interference occurs.

3. Imperial Amazon Parrot 

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The Imperial Amazon parrot lives on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean. The species is pretty but very shy because its habitat is dense with vegetation in far-reaching forests. Unfortunately, the population has declined sharply due to deforestation and habitat destruction.

Now, with barely less than fifty individuals, it is classified as critically endangered. This is one of the rarest species in the world since it has an excellent outlook and inhabits a hard-to-reach habitat in the remote part of the Philippines. Thus, to date, most of it spotted in the wild has been through various records, and only a few have been captured on camera.

4. Philippine Eagle


The Philippine Eagle is famous as the largest eagle. It has a spread wingspan of approximately 7 feet. It belongs to the bird of prey species, which has indigenous habits in the Philippines; thus, it is recognized as a striking bird with long brown and white feathers and crested tops. The species is now highly endangered: not more than 400 are left in the wild.

It is concerned with deforestation and hunting, which make the birds rely on conservation bodies for survival. As rare an experience as it can be to catch a glimpse of a Philippine Eagle in the wild, this is primarily because of the reduced numbers but also due to the remoteness of its habitat—mountainous forests in the Philippines.

5. Forest Owlet


The Forest Owlet is a small, secretive bird. It had long been considered extinct, yet amazingly, the first confirmed sighting since its discovery was made in 1997. Some of the attractive features of this bird include a round head, large yellow eyes, and brown and white plumage. This bird lives in the dry deciduous forests of central India and finds small mammals and insects for food.

Though rediscovered, this species is under great threat and is estimated to have fewer than 250 individuals in its population. Its habitat loss and fragmentation are the greatest threats to the species. Being secretive and inhabiting inaccessible terrain, spotting this species in the wild is also very challenging, even for hardcore bird watchers. The efforts to protect this rare species and its habitat are being made; however, the future of the forest owlet remains uncertain.

6. Honduran Emerald


One of the hummingbird species that is native to Honduras is the Honduran Emerald. With dazzling green and blue plumage, this is one of the best and rarest hummingbirds in the world. This small bird is known for its fast wing beating and hovering ability while feeding from flowers.

Sadly, the Honduran Emerald is also highly threatened, solely due to dry forest destruction. Scientists have been able to try to protect this bird's last remaining habitat, yet the population has decreased. Catching a glimpse of the Honduran Emerald in its habitat is incredibly rare and rewarding for birders since this tiny gem-like bird is extremely shy.

7. Madagascar Pochard


Madagascar Pochard is a local duck species in the wetlands of Madagascar. This species existed until a population of a few was rediscovered in 2006. The Madagascar Pochard is a medium-sized duck with brown and white plumage and a distinctive green sheen on its head.

Although captive breeding programs are currently in operation, the duck population in the wild is reported to be only critically small, estimated to be less than 50. The destruction of its wetland habitat makes this duck one of the rarest in the world.

Concluding Lines

These are scarce and beautiful birds, so their preservation demonstrates the need to preserve further those species that menace humanity the most to save the Earth. Seeing any of the nine endangered species rarely sighted in the wild is exhilarating. Still, it reminds us of ecosystem interdependence and man's effects on wildlife.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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