How Can a Disability Lawyer Help to Get SSI Benefits for A Child

Daniel Hall 09/09/2024
How Can a Disability Lawyer Help to Get SSI Benefits for A Child

The good news is that government benefits are available for income-eligible disabled children. The Social Security Administration (SSA), administering the federal benefits program Supplemental Security Income (SSI), can assist them in this regard.

Though you have SSA’s assistance in applying for disability benefits for your child, there are instances where getting legal help becomes necessary. For instance, if the SSA denies your child's SSI benefits, reach out to an experienced social security disability attorney in Cape Coral to challenge the denial. There are a number of other reasons to consider hiring a San Diego disability lawyer when applying for SSI benefits for your child.

The Importance of Having an Attorney for Children with Mental Disabilities


Children with low IQs, learning disabilities, or other mental disabilities (autism, depression, and drug dependence) get to qualify for SSI. However, medical opinions, reports, and tests should confirm that the mental disability of a child meets the standards set by the SSA for approval. These complicated standards are also based on a child's age.

An attorney knows the records that are crucial to getting the SSA's approval based on your child's condition and age. They will contact the medical providers and school officials to get the relevant records. 

He is also responsible for reviewing all the records to determine whether additional details are required to support the claim. One of the best things about having a lawyer in such cases is that they know how to address both the negative facts and the strong points in an ethical manner.

Why Attorneys Are Essential for Disability Cases

A number of physical disabilities, including asthma, cystic fibrosis, amputations, HIV, cancer, and others, entitle children to SSI benefits. To qualify for the benefits, each of these conditions must meet specific and complex criteria. Moreover, the SSA is ready to accept only particular types of medical evidence based on your child's health condition.

A disability lawyer will review the medical evidence that the SSA requires to approve your claim for SSI disability for children. If the need arises, your attorney will contact doctors, hospitals, or other treatment facilities to get the necessary records to support your claim. The attorney will carefully review the records before submitting them to the SSA and even suggest further tests for your child if needed.

Supporting opinions from your child's treating physicians are also critical to winning the claim. Your lawyer will contact your child’s doctor if he is reluctant to provide supporting statements for the child’s condition. Sometimes a lawyer is able to better understand and approach the unwillingness of a doctor to help patients with a disability claim. It might help change a doctor’s mind about helping the patient by providing the supporting statements he needs.

For all these reasons, contact a reputable SSI lawyer in your state to claim your child's benefits.

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