Urgent Appeal for O-Type Blood Donors Following London Hospitals Cyber-Attack

Following a major ransomware attack on London hospitals, NHS Blood and Transplant urgently appeals for O-type blood donors nationwide.

This appeal comes as several London hospitals struggle to match patients' blood types at their usual frequency, causing significant disruption to medical services.

Last week, a critical incident was declared at several major London hospitals, including King's College Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' (encompassing the Royal Brompton and the Evelina London Children's Hospital), due to an IT attack on the pathology firm Synnovis. The attack is believed to have been orchestrated by Qilin, a notorious Russian cybercriminal group.

As a result of the attack, numerous operations and tests were canceled, and hospitals were unable to carry out blood transfusions as planned. The cyber-attack has severely impaired the hospitals' ability to match and distribute blood effectively, creating an urgent need for O-type blood donations.

NHS Blood and Transplant is specifically calling for donations of O positive and O negative blood types. O negative, known as the universal blood type, can be given to any patient and is crucial in emergencies or when a patient's blood type is unknown. This type is carried by air ambulances and emergency response vehicles due to its universal compatibility. Despite only 8% of the population having O negative blood, it constitutes approximately 15% of hospital orders.

O positive blood, the most common type, is also in high demand. Around 35% of donors have O positive blood, which can be given to anyone with a positive blood type, covering roughly 76% of the population. This makes O positive donations vital for the majority of blood transfusions.

During National Blood Week, it has been highlighted that three blood donations are needed every minute in hospitals across the country. Blood has a shelf life of only 35 days, necessitating a constant replenishment of stocks. The current crisis has further underscored the critical need for blood donations to support ongoing and emergency medical procedures.

There are about 13,000 donation appointments available this week in NHS Blood Donor Centres nationwide, with 3,400 of these in London alone. The NHS is urging donors, especially those with O-type blood, to book appointments to help replenish the depleted stocks and ensure patient safety.

Dr. Gail Miflin, Chief Medical Officer for NHS Blood and Transplant, emphasized the urgent need for O-type blood donations: "Patient safety is our absolute priority. When hospitals do not know a patient's blood type or cannot match their blood, it is safe to use O-type blood. To support London hospitals to carry out more surgeries and to provide the best care we can for all patients, we need more O negative and O positive donors than usual."

Professor Stephen Powis, Medical Director for NHS England, acknowledged the challenges faced by hospital staff in the aftermath of the cyber-attack: "Staff are going above and beyond to minimize the significant disruption to patients caused by the IT attack. We know that a number of operations and appointments have been postponed or diverted to other neighboring hospitals not impacted by the cyber-attack, as we prioritize pathology services for the most clinically urgent cases."

As London hospitals work to recover from the cyber-attack and restore their full capabilities, the cooperation of the public is crucial. The call for O-type blood donors is an essential step in ensuring that hospitals can continue to provide critical care and conduct surgeries.

The appeal for donations is not just a response to the immediate crisis but a reminder of the ongoing need for blood donations. The NHS urges those who can donate to book an appointment at one of the 25 NHS Blood Donor Centres across England.

In conclusion, the recent cyber-attack on London hospitals has highlighted the vulnerability of healthcare systems to cyber threats and the indispensable role of blood donations in patient care. By responding to the call for O-type blood donations, individuals can make a significant impact on the healthcare system's ability to save lives and provide essential medical services. The NHS remains committed to overcoming this challenge and ensuring that all patients receive the care they need.

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