Powerlifting Vs. Bodybuilding: What’s the Difference?

Daniel Hall 18 hours ago

The basic training of both powerlifting and bodybuilding involves resistance training with weightlifting.

Although these two sports appear to be similar at a glance, there are many differences in their fitness goals. 

The following blog discusses the details of powerlifting and bodybuilding, along with their health benefits, end goals, and judgment criteria for each sport. Scroll down to learn more. 

What is Bodybuilding? 

Bodybuilding is a sport where competitors are judged by what their physical form looks like on the day of competition. In competitive bodybuilding, bodybuilders take to the stage in speedos bikinis or other minimal coverings and get a score based on: 

  • Muscle size 

  • Symmetry 

  • Definition 

While posing for bodybuilding requires practicing and perfecting your routine, mainly your body aesthetics are judged and not the measure of your physical performance. 

As a competitive bodybuilder, your goal is to maximise the size and symmetry of your muscles and lose just as much body fat as humanly possible. Overall, the idea is to show the definition of your well-gained muscle mass. The judges provide scores based on criteria set out in the competition, but also on how one looks when compared to fellow competitors. 

Benefits of Bodybuilding 

Even though, at times, bodybuilding and powerlifting training methods do converge, the prime benefits of bodybuilding lie in muscular building, nutrition attention such as taking proper supplements, and more aerobic exercises. Bodybuilding can benefit your health in the following ways: 

  • Resistance training with medium-to-heavy weights, using a volume of 8-12 repetitions and multiple sets per muscle group, is an effective way to build muscular size. ● Bodybuilders incorporate cardio into their routine in order to increase the rate of calorie expenditure, lose fat, and enhance their muscular physique. Thus, regular cardio training for bodybuilding also helps improve cardiovascular health.

  • Bodybuilders focus on a low-fat, protein-rich diet, which is linked with improved cardiovascular parameters and better overall health. 

  • Bodybuilding requires one to lead a healthy lifestyle with adequate training and rest. As a result, this helps achieve balanced physical and mental health. 

What is Powerlifting?

Powerlifting tests your ability to lift the maximum possible weight for one repetition, which is referred to as one rep max (1RM). It is done using a barbell in the following three lifts:

  • Back squat 

  • Deadlift 

  • Bench press 

From a competition point of view, powerlifting involves coming up with the most muscular force for the given movements. In competitive powerlifting, a panel of three referees scores each lift (technique) as either passing or failing. In scoring any lift, the passing score of at least two judges is required for the attempt to count as a successful lift. 

Benefits of Powerlifting 

Powerlifting targets enhance the strength of various muscle groups through explosive strength training. Here are the following benefits of doing powerlifting: 

  • Training with heavy weights for fewer repetitions effectively improves maximal strength, including bone and connective-tissue density improvement. 

  • The exercises in a powerlifting program develop maximum muscular strength. Therefore, powerlifting can improve your overall strength when you are performing everyday activities. 

  • It improves athletic abilities and enhances the ability to do daily tasks with better agility.

  • It requires tremendous energy that helps burn a lot of calories. So, powerlifting effectively helps you lose weight. 

To Wrap Up 

Powerlifting and bodybuilding both involve doing physical exercises and lifting weights, however differ in their judgment criteria. Powerlifters aim to lift more weight while doing a bunch of exercises, on the other hand bodybuilders aim to enhance their physical appearance to look aesthetically pleasing and well-built. Nevertheless, to excel in both these types of fitness regimes, taking health boosting products such as protein powder and multivitamins is highly essential.

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