How To Prepare for Medical School Interviews: 4 Dos And 3 Don’ts

Daniel Hall 27/05/2024

When you’re about to attend a medical school interview, it’s normal to feel nervous or anxious; you worry about saying the wrong thing or blanking out completely.

However, these fears are common among candidates like you.

Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate medical school interviews with confidence. Learn what to do (and what to avoid!) to make a strong first impression and land that acceptance letter. Let’s begin!


Success in your interview starts with the right preparation. Here’s what you should do:

1. Do Your Research

Each medical school has a unique culture and set of values. So, begin by understanding the school’s ethos and the typical format of their interviews. When focusing on entering Howard University College of Medicine or other institutions, familiarizing yourself with these aspects helps you tailor your responses to align with their mission.

By thoroughly researching the medical school and its programs, you also show genuine interest in them and demonstrate your ability to integrate into their community effectively. Highlighting how your goals and values match their mission can also significantly impress interviewers.

2. Practice Your Answers

Don’t underestimate the power of practice! Honing your response skills through mock interviews can be a game-changer when it comes to medical school interviews. For one, simulating the interview experience can significantly reduce your anxiety and boost your confidence.

Discussing your answers with a mentor or using online resources can also provide valuable insights into effective techniques for tackling common medical school interview questions. So, actively seek feedback and learn to structure your responses clearly and thoughtfully to gain the confidence to articulate your qualifications and enthusiasm for medicine during the actual interview.

3. Dress Appropriately

First impressions matter, and your attire plays a crucial role in setting the tone for your medical school interview. By projecting professionalism through your clothing, you demonstrate respect for the institution and convey your seriousness about pursuing a career in medicine. Moreover, choosing the right outfit can significantly impact how you’re perceived by interviewers.

For both men and women, a well-fitted suit in neutral colors like gray, black, or navy is a safe and polished choice; this professional look doesn’t just project self-assurance, it can also boost your own confidence, allowing you to focus on showcasing your skills and passion during the interview.

4. Show Empathy and Communication Skills

Empathy and communication are the cornerstones of successful doctor-patient relationships, and showcasing these skills during your med school interview is crucial; they demonstrate your ability to connect genuinely with patients and collaborate effectively within healthcare teams.

To showcase empathy, listen carefully and respond thoughtfully to interview questions. Share examples from your experiences where you’ve successfully demonstrated compassion and understanding. For communication, maintain eye contact and articulate your thoughts clearly. These practices will highlight your ability to engage meaningfully and supportively with others.

Mastering these dos can help boost your interview readiness, ensuring you present yourself as a knowledgeable, professional, and empathetic candidate poised for success in the medical field.


Here’s a look at what you should avoid during your medical school interview.

1. Don’t Memorize Responses

It’s important not to sound rehearsed or insincere in your interview. While it’s crucial to prepare, your responses should feel natural and spontaneous. That said, avoid reciting pre-memorized answers, as they can make you seem robotic. 

Instead, understand the underlying themes of typical questions and think about how you can answer them honestly and thoughtfully, adapting as the conversation unfolds. It demonstrates your ability to think critically and adapt, qualities valued in future medical professionals.

2. Don’t Speak Negatively About Others

Maintaining professionalism throughout your interview is crucial, especially when discussing past experiences or other schools. That said, refrain from speaking negatively about past professors, colleagues, or even other institutions. This negativity can reflect poorly on your character and suggest an inability to handle challenges gracefully.

Instead, focus on the valuable lessons learned from those experiences. How did you grow from them? Did you develop new problem-solving skills or enhance your communication abilities? Highlighting these aspects portrays your maturity and growth mindset.

3. Don’t Forget to Follow Up

Sending a thoughtful thank-you note after your interview can leave a lasting impression. It’s a gesture that underscores your professionalism and genuine interest in the school.

In your follow-up, express appreciation for the interview opportunity. You can also mention specific aspects of the interview that you found enlightening or particularly enjoyed. This personal touch shows attentiveness and enthusiasm for the program. Then, close by reaffirming your interest in attending their medical school and your readiness to contribute positively to their community.

Avoiding these common pitfalls can enhance your interview performance, making you a more appealing candidate by demonstrating professionalism, sincerity, and thoughtful engagement throughout the interview process.

Final Thoughts

Preparation and authenticity are your winning points in securing a spot in medical school; they reflect your dedication and genuine interest in becoming a medical professional, allowing you to shine brightly in the eyes of school admissions,

For further preparation, seek feedback from recent medical school admits to gain insights from their experiences. Read biographies of influential medical professionals to understand diverse career paths and motivations. Also, join discussion groups or forums with other applicants to share insights and experiences, enriching your preparation journey.

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