Covid-19: New Self-Isolation Rules in Wales

The self-isolation period has been reduced from 10 days to 7 days.

Wales is now in line with England, which brought in this change on 22 December 2021, and Northern Ireland, which will also cut its self-isolation time from 31 December 2021.

The Welsh government recommends its citizens to take lateral flow and PCR tests before meeting family members.

This comes into effect from 31 December 2021 rather than 5 January 2022, as was first planned.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said that new rules haven been implemented due to the rising number of cases to help the NHS deliver critical services.

Stricter rules came into effect in Wales on 26 December 2021, meaning groups of no more than six people can meet in pubs, cinemas and restaurants.

  • Outdoor events are limited to 50, with 30 people allowed indoors, which also applies to private homes. 

  • 2 metre social distancing will be required in offices and all public premises.

  • Licenced premises will need to take additional reasonable measures to protect customers and staff.
  • People attending weddings or civil partnership receptions or wakes should take a lateral flow test before attending.

Vaccinating the population with a safe and effective vaccine will:

  • protect people from COVID-19
  • enable us to lift restrictions in due course
  • help us to return to a more normal life

There are 3 COVID-19 vaccines currently available, approved as safe by the UK Medicines Regulator:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Oxford-AstraZeneca
  • Moderna

The NHS is vaccinating people in order of clinical risk (on GOV.UK), largely based on age groups from old to young. Some people are much more at risk than others from serious complications of COVID-19. This is why the vaccine programme was prioritised to protect them first.

When it is your turn to receive the vaccine, you will be contacted directly by the NHS. You may be contacted by either telephone or letter.

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