The Solution to SaaS Payment Management Explained

Daniel Hall 22/06/2022

To run a successful and efficient business, you need to manage your expenditures, including each and every corporate expense.

Among the many costs, payments for software as a service (SaaS) are a prime area where efficient spend management is crucial.

SaaS payment management can be difficult, especially when your business isn’t equipped with the right Saas payment management tool to successfully handle every expense.

Therefore, in order to help you better understand the benefits of expert SaaS payment management software, this article will take you through what the software is, and the reasons why your business needs it.

What is SaaS Payment Management?

SaaS payment management is a method of managing all your expenses which come from your business’s SaaS subscriptions.

These subscriptions are for businesses who need access to particular software, without having to install and manage the software internally. 

Instead, it’s provided by a third-party company who can give you access over cloud connection, handling all the necessary updates and regulations, whilst your business has full access to the service.

There are various applications which you can access over the internet with this process, including things like Dropbox and Google Suite.

With the potential for several different subscriptions, you’ll need expert software which will allow you to continually monitor, alter, and review every SaaS payment, with a range of features available to aid you.

Why You Need a SaaS Payment Management Software?

SaaS payment management software is essential for every business looking to implement an effective process of managing every aspect of their SaaS payments.

The wide range of benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Essential Payment Insights

Your SaaS payment software can provide you with essential payment insights, to constantly keep you informed of how you can better manage your spending, and save costs where necessary.

The software will use all the data collected from every transaction, and form it into meaningful insights based on your current SaaS subscriptions. 

For instance, the software may reveal which current SaaS payment is costing the most, and that there is a cheaper alternative available for you to try.

This will allow you to continue using all your SaaS services whilst saving money on more cost-effective alternatives.

  • Spend Controls

Your software will also come with a wide range of different spend controls, to help you keep a firm hold over every subscription, and adapt the expenses wherever you may see fit.

For example, the software can help set spend limits for every subscription, so that if the prices rise or the service takes out more than you wanted in a particular month, you will be alerted immediately, and can make the necessary adjustments. 

You can also lock your cards to specific SaaS vendors, so any issues or adjustments with one subscription provider won’t have any impact on your remaining subscriptions.

This gives you complete control over all your SaaS expenses, and helps you tailor each one to your business’s needs.

  • Efficient SaaS Payment Workflows

Another huge benefit of the software is that it can streamline the SaaS payment workflow, and create an easier, more time-efficient process of managing each transaction.

There are many automated tools available in your software, such as the fact it can automatically complete payment reconciliation with one-click. 

This way, you can have an accurate and secure management system, without the hassle and time of manual reconciliation.

Also, you can have approval processes for each subscription, so that any employees requesting a payment will need to send it through for approval. Again, this can also be automated, based on your preferences, for even easier payment workflow.


SaaS payments are a vital aspect of many businesses, but with the right payment management software, you’ll have the perfect solution to monitor, control, and analyse all your SaaS spending, and make it as efficient as possible for your business.

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