9 Tips to Help You Secure a Graduate Job in Finance

9 Tips to Help You Secure a Graduate Job in Finance

Daniel Hall 01/09/2024
9 Tips to Help You Secure a Graduate Job in Finance

Getting your first job after university can be daunting.

The finance sector is highly competitive, but with preparation and persistence, you can land your dream graduate role. Follow these nine tips to help secure a graduate job in finance.

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1. Do Your Research 

Before applying, research different finance roles and companies thoroughly. Understand the day-to-day responsibilities and skills needed for positions you're interested in. Look at company values, training programs, and advancement opportunities. Check Glassdoor reviews to get insights from current and past employees. This will help you tailor your CV and interview answers. Spend time on sites like Indeed and TargetJobs to find insider information and advice. Finance covers a wide range of industries like banking, insurance, accounting, investments, and more - get clarity on which path excites you.

2. Update Your CV

To stand out amongst the competition, you need an excellent CV. Use a free CV maker online to optimise formatting. Emphasise skills gained from internships, extracurriculars, volunteer work, and relevant coursework. Quantify your accomplishments with numbers and data. Tailor your CV for each application. Closely review the job description and incorporate keywords from it throughout your CV. This helps applicant tracking systems recognise you as a strong match. Proofread thoroughly and have advisors, professors, and multiple people check for errors.

3. Practice Interviewing

Interviews are crucial for landing finance roles. Schedule mock video interviews with university career counsellors for practice. Have a friend conduct a mock interview and provide honest feedback. Prepare stories demonstrating analytical thinking, leadership, teamwork, communication and other relevant skills. Research common behavioural and technical questions for finance interviews to practice responses. Record yourself on video and review to improve your delivery, eye contact, and body language.

4. Build Your Network

Networking establishes valuable connections and insider access. Attend university career fairs, company presentations, alumni events, conferences and other networking opportunities. Connect with recruiters, hiring managers, and those working in finance roles on LinkedIn. Follow companies you're interested in and engage with their content. Consider informational interviews to gain additional perspectives on roles and industries. Expanding your professional network increases access to unposted opportunities.

5. Show Financial Knowledge

Hiring managers want assurance you understand the industry. Stay current on financial news and trends. Set Google alerts for companies and topics of interest. Follow key thought leaders on social media. Read respected publications like the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal or Bloomberg. Take additional finance classes or online courses to build technical expertise. Complete training programs like Bloomberg Market Concepts. Demonstrate your motivation to continuously learn. Showcase financial acumen during interviews and conversations.

6. Polish Your Online Presence

In finance, everything about you will be scrutinised during the hiring process - including your social media. Google yourself to review your online footprint across the internet. Tidy up online profiles by removing unprofessional content. Expand your LinkedIn profile with all experience, accomplishments, skills, and recommendations. Finance recruiters often vet candidates online, so ensure your profiles showcase your qualifications positively.

7. Apply Broadly

The finance sector is hugely competitive for graduates. Don't pin hopes on just one or two roles or companies. Research application deadlines and requirements for the top graduate programs, but also apply to smaller firms. Look beyond your location at opportunities nationwide. Widen parameters for positions you'd initially consider. The more quality applications, the better your chances. Recruiting processes often take months, so persistence is key. Follow up and continue networking after submitting applications.

8. Mind Your Manners

Finance culture values discretion, professionalism and polish. In interviews, leave your cowgirl hat at home and dress formally - suits for men and equivalent formality for women. Arrive 10-15 minutes early with several copies of your CV. Greet everyone respectfully, from the receptionist onward. Maintain eye contact, sit upright, and demonstrate enthusiastic body language. Send prompt, personalised thank you notes after each interview. Always be polite and use proper language in communications. Sharp manners give a strong impression.

9. Believe in Yourself

Amidst the intensive applications, assessment centres, and interviews - believe in yourself. Recognise all the knowledge and skills you bring to the table as a graduate. Be confident presenting your achievements. If you don't get a particular role, reflect on the experience and keep trying. With preparation and dedication, you will be an attractive candidate. Stay motivated towards your career goals.

The finance industry offers an array of opportunities for ambitious graduates. Following these tips will help you demonstrate your motivation and prepare for the competitive application process. Do your homework, build your skills and networks, and put your best foot forward. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can launch an exciting and rewarding career in finance.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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