Rethinking Consumption Could Actually Be Fashionable for Fashion

In case you are short of inspiration for New Year's resolutions in terms of changing your consumption habits you can pick one of those and you’re doing everything right.

1. Buy Less

200 billion garments sold annually should be the end of the quest for more, choosing not to buy a product is the most sustainable thing you can do as a consumer

2. Clean Out Your Closet More Conscientiously 

Instead of donating old clothes make the effort to resale or swap, doubling the lifetime of a product reduces its impact by half.

3. Reduce Your Returns

Millions of products bought on whim and returned to the seller will be destroyed and landfilled, and not resold again because it is cheaper.

4. Wash Your Clothes Less

Washing your clothes less often at lower temperature makes them to last longer and you shed less micro-plastic.

5. Be a Fashion Detective 

Stay informed and suspicious about greenwashing. 

Tackling the underlying reasons for why we over-purchase, yet underuse clothes will definitely help.

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