Majority of UK Public Calls for Greater Investment in Renewable Energy

Majority of UK Public Calls for Greater Investment in Renewable Energy

Majority of UK Public Calls for Greater Investment in Renewable Energy

A substantial majority of the UK public, 78%, are urging the government to increase investment in renewable energy sources.

This finding comes from The Eco Experts' latest National Home Energy Survey. With a general election approaching on July 4th, these findings highlight the public's strong preference for green policy initiatives.

The survey results reveal a significant demand for wind and solar power. Specifically, one-third of respondents want more government investment in wind power, while one-quarter are advocating for increased investment in solar power. This widespread support for renewable energy likely stems from recent global events, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the post-pandemic surge in energy demand, which have underscored the volatility of fossil fuel markets.

The survey, which included responses from 2,134 UK adults, also uncovered regional variations in attitudes towards energy investment. In the North East, 15% of respondents favor increased investment in North Sea gas, compared to just 5% in the South East. This regional preference may be linked to the perception that greater investment in North Sea gas could create job opportunities in the North East.

Despite these regional differences, support for renewable energy remains strong across all areas, with 70% to 80% of respondents in every region advocating for a shift to greener energy solutions.

Tamara Birch, Senior Writer at The Eco Experts, commented on the survey findings: “Our National Home Energy Survey shows that a significant majority of UK adults are in favor of the government investing more in renewable energy sources. Wind power, in particular, emerged as the most popular area for investment. The upcoming general election presents a crucial opportunity for political parties to enhance their environmental and renewable energy policies, aiming to reduce energy bills, bolster the UK’s energy security, and help meet net zero emissions targets.”

Renewable energy is not only environmentally beneficial but also economically advantageous. It is cheaper than both new and existing fossil fuel plants and is expected to become even more affordable over time. In contrast, the cost of fossil fuels has been rising, driven by factors such as increased wholesale prices and geopolitical tensions, including the war in Ukraine.

The Eco Experts’ survey highlights a clear mandate from the UK public for increased government investment in renewable energy. As the general election approaches, this demand for greener energy solutions offers a strategic direction for political parties aiming to address energy security, economic stability, and environmental sustainability.

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Susanna Koelblin

Commercialization & Sourcing Leader Focused On Circularity

From blockchain to recycling, Susanna talks about emerging technologies and circularity topics in the fashion industry.

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