You Might Be Up In The Air, But That Doesn't Mean Your Business Should Join You

Anas Bouargane 12/02/2020 3

Now and again, business trips abroad are inevitable. You should jump at these chances given that every single one can enhance your business operations no end.

Whether you’re heading out to meet with an interested client or make new connections, you’ll undoubtedly be glad that you stepped outside the office comfort zone.

Image by Daniel Nieto: CC0 Licence

There’s just one issue; for countless managers, even a short trip away can mean returning to mayhem. You do a great deal to keep your company afloat while you’re around, after all, and the lack of guidance or discipline when you’re not can quickly take its toll. As simple as that, the big deal you managed to secure can sour into days or even weeks of getting things back on track.

It’s far from ideal, but there are ways around this issue if you know where to look for them. While you can’t cut trips like these altogether, your should certainly consider the following reasons that things keep going wrong back home, and what you can do about them. 

# 1 - You Aren’t Organised Enough Before You Leave

Organisation is always crucial if you’re out of the office, and by this, we don’t mean booking your tickets. Ultimately, you should aim to leave a comprehensive plan of action for each day with an entrusted second in command. Then, there’s last chance your team will feel lost the moment you’re out of sight, and more guarantee they’ll carry on with everything they would if you were around. 

# 2 - You’re Failing to Check in Because Costs are Too High

Phone calls across continents are extortionate, and could well lead to a reluctance to check-in. Sadly, failing to do so is a guaranteed way to trouble, and an ideal world should see you checking-in at least daily. Lucky for you, there are now plenty of ways to do this for less. Options like the cloud phone systems by Gamma are best for this, as they allow complete and continued connectivity for one set fee. Equally, messaging services like Slack can see you signing in at the click of a button. Simply make sure you’re booking accommodation with wifi access, and long periods out of reach will be long behind you. 

# 3 - You Aren’t Getting Any Visuals

Phone calls and messages in themselves don’t always paint an accurate picture. In fact, your team may altogether omit to tell you things have gone wrong. As such, you should also aim to get at least once-weekly visuals on your team. Programs like Skype make this easier than ever, and ensure that you can confirm that everyone’s working as they should without setbacks. Surprise your team with a Skype call at least once during your trip, and you’ll be amazed by how much insight you can get into what’s really going on.

Staying connected isn’t easy, especially when you’re busy elsewhere. But, trust us when we say that steps like these are fundamental for avoiding a bumpy landing when you get back!

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  • Jessica Holden

    Even when I am away, I am always thinking about my holidays.

  • Christopher Sullivan

    Interesting topic to discuss here

  • Paul Kamau

    I can't agree more with you