The Importance of Hiring a Skilled Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyer

Daniel Hall 21/05/2024

Just over 2,200 juveniles were in adult jails or prisons in 2021, which was the lowest it had been in more than eighteen years.

While things are certainly getting better, they're far from perfect, and if someone you know is facing charges as a juvenile, you need a good lawyer.

A juvenile criminal defense lawyer is an attorney who specializes in criminal suits as they apply to juveniles. They can use this expertise to defend young clients. We'll discuss these lawyers and how they can help you in this article. 

The Rights of Juveniles

Juvenile rights have long been debated in US courts. Much of this debate came to a head in the 1960s and 1970s, when juvenile court lawyers argued a few landmark cases that determined that juveniles had similar rights to adults in a court of law.

In 1966's Kent vs. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that basic due process applied to minors in the adult court system. A decision made the following year solidified these rights and expanded them, clarifying that the 14th Amendment applied to people of all ages.

In 1970, a decision was made to extend the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard to juveniles accused of crimes. 1975's Breed vs. Jones ruled that a minor couldn't be charged in both juvenile and adult court because this would constitute double jeopardy. 

Juvenile Criminal Lawyer vs. Public Defender?

Whether you're a juvenile or not, hiring a juvenile law attorney is the best decision you can make in a trial. Your Miranda Rights say that if you can't afford an attorney, the court will appoint one for you. Don't let them. You can find juvenile law lawyers in Fairfax, Virginia by clicking the link.

You're more likely to win if a juvenile criminal lawyer represents you. This isn't a dig at the skill or dedication of public defenders, because it isn't their fault. The United States court system is, to say the least, imperfect. 

We'd all like to believe in the principles and rights set out in the Constitution because they're worth believing in. The issue is that implementing them is much more difficult.

Law school is expensive, and graduates have to pay that back at some point. Being a public defender doesn't pay much, so there aren't as many of them. Since there aren't as many, they have to handle larger caseloads and are often overworked. Many people don't get adequate defense from public attorneys because there simply isn't time to prepare one.

Why You Need a Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you or someone you know is charged with a crime as a juvenile, you need to contact a juvenile criminal defense lawyer. We've discussed juvenile defense lawyers and how they can help you in this article, but additional research never hurts. 

You can learn more about juvenile law and a variety of other topics by visiting our site. We're knowledgeable on a whole range of things and are glad to share what we know. Drop by and check us out.

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