The Differences Between a Franchise Developer and a Franchise Lawyer

The Differences Between a Franchise Developer and a Franchise Lawyer

The Differences Between a Franchise Developer and a Franchise Lawyer

When launching a successful franchise business, understanding the differences between a franchise developer and a franchise lawyer is critical.

Together, these two professionals can help ensure your business is legally compliant and that your investments are protected. This article will explore the differences between a franchise developer and a franchise lawyer and how they each support the success of your business. 

What Is the Difference Between a Franchise Developer and A Franchise Lawyer?


The primary difference between a franchise developer and a franchise lawyer is the services they provide. A franchise developer is a professional who helps create a well-conceived business plan and develop a structure for a franchise business. The franchise developer is responsible for the initial development of a franchise system, including the operational documents and design, as well as the marketing and sales of the franchise. They understand the unique legal and financial requirements of franchising and work closely with franchise law experts to ensure all the necessary legal documents are in place. 

On the other hand, a franchise lawyer is a legal professional specializing in franchise law and provides advice and assistance to clients buying, selling, or establishing a franchise. They also draft and review all necessary documents, including franchise agreements, disclosure documents, and other contracts. Additionally, they advise on the legal implications of franchising and ensure that the business complies with all state and federal laws. A franchise lawyer provides legal advice and assistance on franchising, including contract drafting and negotiations, dispute resolution, and antitrust compliance.

How Can Franchise Developers Aid Franchise Lawyers?

While a franchise developer and a franchise attorney offer distinct services, they complement each other. When launching a franchise business, engaging the expertise of both does present some benefits. Here are some ways these professionals can work together: 

Firstly, a franchise developer can provide an experienced perspective to the franchise lawyer. Franchise developers have an in-depth knowledge of the franchising industry, which can help guide the best strategies to pursue when drafting a franchise agreement. They can work with the franchise lawyer to ensure that the contract contains all the necessary elements to protect the interests of both the franchisor and the franchisee.

Secondly, franchise developers can also provide valuable assistance in researching the laws and regulations applicable to the franchise agreement. They are familiar with the various laws related to franchising and can explore them to ensure that the agreement is compliant in all relevant jurisdictions. Familiarizing with franchising laws is especially important when the franchise operates in multiple states or countries.

Finally, franchise developers can provide valuable assistance in negotiating the franchise agreement. Franchise developers understand the franchising industry. They can provide insight into the most effective negotiation strategies to ensure the deal is fair and equitable for both parties. 

How Can Franchise Lawyers Aid Franchise Developers?


A franchise lawyer can also provide invaluable assistance to a franchise developer. Firstly, by understanding the complexities of franchise law, a franchise lawyer can help to ensure that the franchise is properly structured and complies with applicable legal requirements. 

Secondly, a franchise lawyer can advise on the appropriate legal structure, draft or review franchise agreements, and negotiate with potential franchisees on the franchise developer's behalf. 

Additionally, a franchise lawyer can offer guidance on issues such as trademark protection and dispute resolution, ensuring that the franchise developer is protected in the event of a dispute. In addition to helping to ensure compliance with the law, a franchise lawyer can also provide valuable guidance on business issues related to the franchise. 

Finally, a franchise lawyer can help the franchise developer understand the legal implications of decisions related to pricing, expansion, and other key business issues. This can assure the franchise developer that the franchise is structured and operated in compliance with applicable laws and regulations while allowing the franchise developer to make informed decisions that are in the franchise's best interests.


Franchise developers and franchise lawyers are essential partners in the success of a franchise business. Franchise developers provide the background information and input needed to ensure that all legal documents are accurate and current. 

In contrast, franchise lawyers draft and review legal documents and provide advice on the legal implications of franchising. These two professionals help create a successful and legally compliant franchise business. If you’re considering launching a franchise business, consult a franchise developer and a franchise lawyer to ensure all your legal needs are met.

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Anas Bouargane

Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

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