Learn to Refuse Opportunities that Don't Align with Your Objectives

Mike Adams 01/11/2019 4

There are so many quotes about "seizing opportunities" and "say yes to everything and figure it out later" but there is a huge caveat which people tend to forget, ignore or simply don't realise.

The man who chases two rabbits catches neither.

My take on this is as follows:

Success in life and business is to get very focussed around a few (< 5) big priorities/ideas and avoid/resist distractions that will pull you off course from achieving those few things.

If then, opportunities arise that further your progress towards your big priorities, then absolutely, embrace them and figure them out as you go!

But if the opportunity doesn't take you towards the destination point, say no!

The caveat suggests that saying yes to every great opportunity that comes your way will have you turning and twisting in directions chasing the next 'rabbit' and achieving nothing.

The Rules:

Step 1: Get very certain on the few (5 or less) BIG priorities in life/business.

Step 2: Accept every opportunity that enables you to achieve those priorities.

Step 3: Refuse other "great opportunities" that don't align with your big goals.

This is not about limiting your opportunity and experiences; it is about, first getting certain on where you are going, and then embracing every thing that helps you get there.

Clarity precedes opportunity.

Just my perspective.

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  • Jessie Mook

    Don't say yes to every single opportunity

  • Paul Kent

    Absolutely right !!

  • Kyle Lawlor

    Nailed it

  • Christine Handy

    So thoughtful !!