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7 years

How to Relinquish Unrealistic Expectations of Your Manager

Unrealistic expectations cause problems and are exposed in a multitude of situations.

7 years

The Fintech Revolution

Fintech companies have disrupted the digital landscape. So far, they have successfully changed how financial firms are structured and provisioned, but have not successfully established themselves as the most dominant players. How will Fintech firms shape our life and can they succeed in their quest? The collision between financial institutions and large technology companies looks very promising. 

7 years

The Hardships of Entrepreneurship

Succeeding as an entrepreneur takes hard work, sacrifices and persistence. Passion, perseverance and a positive attitude tend to set successful entrepreneurs apart. Cultivating these attributes requires an innate skill set and some tips to get started.

7 years

Instagram Reaches New Heights

As competition for digital advertising heats up, Instagram is unveiling new features to prove how often its app drives sales. Once known for its pretty filters, the photo app expanded significantly, allowing its 300 million active users connect with 8 million businesses. 

7 years

Google Keeps Minting Money

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, reported its second quarterly results, posting both higher revenue and profits than expected. Even with massive EU fine, Google keeps minting money.

7 years

BlackRock Keeps Getting Bigger

Growing demand for its exchange traded funds helped BlackRock pull in $104bn of new client money in the second quarter, taking the pool of cash run by the world’s largest asset manager to a total of $5.68tn. The company’s second-quarter earnings had risen 9 percent as investors continued to pour money into the company’s expanding fleet of exchange traded funds. 

7 years

The FoodTech Takeover is Underway

While innovation flows freely in every industry, from time to time the media latches onto a particular tech wave or flavour. Flavours of the week have gone by with the seasons, from FinTech to LegalTech. But one of the most lucrative and untapped markets is in what we put into our stomachs: FoodTech.