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7 years

Tulips, Bitcoin, and Blockchain

Tulips were brought to the Netherlands from Central Asia in the 16th century. The Netherlands is not only a flowers-loving country but it also boasts the first public limited company (VOC – Dutch East India Company) and world’s first stock exchange – Amsterdam Stock Exchange dating back to 1602.

7 years

Taxes Matter But Is It Really Armageddon?

Nancy Pelosi, minority Democrat leader of the House of Representatives may have lost her way in the jungle of hyperbole when she described the recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”) as “Armageddon.” The standard definition of Armageddon is the last battle between good and evil that takes place before the Day of Judgment. While the TCJA is certainly an act of legislative vandalism passed by politicians more focused on their own political survival than the good of the country, it is not the end of the world.

7 years

Tips to Boost your Productivity at Work

Over the years, I have observed that there are some people who have time for everything – They do their work (really well and well on time), they have time for family and friends, they have time for their interests and hobbies out of work and they also have time for themselves. What really sets apart those who have time for everything and those who never seem to have time for anything is this - effective time management. In this article, I will be listing some very effective tips for time management at work. 

7 years

The War on Equality

“When the Rich Wage War, It's the Poor Who Die”. This quotation from Jean-Paul Sartre's The Devil and the Good Lord was used by Linkin Park in their song Hands Held High. It was released about the time of the war in Iraq and intended, it seemed, to be an indictment of the Bush doctrine in the Middle East. Sartre's play, first published in 1960, predates the song by over forty-five years. It illustrates that little has changed in the power dynamics of waging war. Death comes in many forms: the sudden, horrific death associated with war; and the slow attrition of being ground down by economic adversity. This article takes a look at both and reflects on their connection.

7 years

Brand vs. Branding – Why Does The Difference Matter?

The term “brand” has become simultaneously too big and too small. It can be up on a pedestal, out of reach if you don’t have deep pockets.

7 years

Cyber Security a Business Risk

For the past couple of weeks, we have heard or read spectacular cyber-attacks where hackers used ransomware and malicious techniques to manipulate the data of various government agencies and big corporations from all over the world. As a result, no individual, government or company is feeling safe about data -  increasingly vulnerable to hackers' cyber-attacks.

7 years

Tax Evaders to Face Music for Demonetisation Adventures

Due to demonetisation operation launched by the Indian government last year, many individuals and corporates were caught unaware. They had plenty of unexplained cash and 50 days to deposit it all in the banking system.