All the Information You Need for Your Motor Insurance Claim

No matter who you are or what you are driving, an accident can happen at any time to anybody.

For most people, it is a new or rare experience. It will be the first time that many people have contacted their insurers and tested their product. Additionally, you may need to contact a lawyer from Lamber Goodnow Law Firm. In order to make a claim, you need to have lots of details to hand and perhaps even need to contact a lawyer. You can’t stop accidents from happening, but you can be prepared. 

What To Do If Someone Else is Involved? 

You need to collect details from the other party as soon as possible. If you were not at fault, then the sooner you start to pursue the recovery the more likely you are to recover your costs. Additionally, you will be more likely to recover any losses not covered by your policy. If you were at fault, then the information can be used to contact the other party to organize repairs and courtesy car costs.

Both the pursuit of the responsible party and the management of the costs involved in looking after the innocent party are important ways that you can help to contain the rising costs of motor insurance if you follow some helpful tips.

What Information is there to Collect?

An important thing to know is to not apologize or accept responsibility, even if you think you may be to blame. You should collect the names, addresses, phone numbers of all other drivers as well as their vehicle registrations. Additionally, you should get the names, addresses, phone numbers of all passengers and the vehicle that they were in. If you have damaged property rather than just someone’s vehicle then you should also get their number and name.

Next, you should focus on any injuries sustained by you or by any of the other people involved. Taking a detailed account of the injuries means that no one can additionally add to them at a later date. When you speak to the police officers, you should take their details as well and make sure you grab the incident reference number.

Catalog the events by taking photographs of the scene and any damage when it is safe to do so. You should take photos of the damage to your car, the damage to anybody else’s property and make sure to take photographs of the road and any weather conditions. This will help attribute any blame to either you, other drivers, or the road conditions.

All of this information is important because it allows the insurance company to contact anybody else involved in the incident. If you are not at fault, having all of this information gives a much better chance of success for a claim.

What About if the Damage is not Repairable? 

When the insurance claims come in, they will evaluate whether the damage to the car is repairable or not. If the damage can be repaired, then a bill is sent to the guilty party. This will be a simple case of getting your car to the garage with an approved engineer to get the damage fixed.

If the car is deemed irreparable, then the claims officers will make an initial assessment when you begin to make your claim. If they report your car as irreparable then they will pick up your car and place it in safe storage while you settle the claim. You need to remove all of your personal possessions from the vehicle.

When your car is a total loss then the insurance company will give you the market value of your car unless you are entitled to a new car replacement. To establish the market value of your car using several sources. The market value will take into account the exact model of your car and any extras you had attached.

You will be glad to know that if your vehicle is less than two years old and is irreparable, then the insurance company may offer to buy you the exact same car again or give you the money for the car so that you can put the money towards your next car.

Claiming From your Insurance

There can be a lot going on in your mind when you are involved in a car accident. There is a lot to consider. You need to make sure that you grab as many details as possible when the occasion arrives. Make sure to ask every question and note down all of the details of those involved and the events of the accident.

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