5 Must-Know Work Efficiency Tactics That Successful Teams Use (And You Should Too)

Daniel Hall 07/04/2021 5

Workplace efficiency is one of the keys to success in business.

Without efficiency, goals do not get met and progress is hindered.

So, it’s very important to strive for operational efficiency in the workplace.

This is certainly easier said than done. There are many challenges that come with tweaking the workplace to reach efficiency. 

That’s why we’ve put together this guide that includes 5 powerful, actionable tips that efficient teams use but lesser performing teams do not.

1. Allow Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexibility in the workplace is an excellent first step to maximize operational efficiency. 

In a way, it sounds counter-intuitive. When we think of the word “flexibility”—especially in the context of work—we think of loose and unstructured. It reminds us of a classroom with unruly students or a poorly mismanaged office with no efficiency at all.

But, flexible work arrangements do not mean unstructured or unruly.

When we refer to flexible work arrangements, we mean providing employees with a set amount of leeway. 

In other words, giving employees a certain amount of freedom.

Flexibility in the workplace means allowing for dynamic changes or circumstances. 

While this can have drawbacks or consequences, it is generally a great way to boost workplace efficiency.

Some examples of flexible work arrangements include:

  • Letting employees choose which tasks of theirs are a priority.
  • Allowing the opportunity for remote work.
  • Offering (or encouraging) breaks during the day.
  • Recognizing aspects of employees’ personal lives (and letting them pursue their interests freely).

The list of ways to implement flexible working arrangements is endless.

The point is, rigid offices and airtight schedules tend to suffocate employees as opposed to driving efficiency.

One reason why flexibility in the workplace might be so effective is that morale is so important. Angry or disgruntled workers will fail to be as efficient as passionate and content workers are. 

This fact was proven in a 2006 study, which states, “the relationship between work effort and productivity becomes stronger at higher levels of morale.” 

So, allowing for flexible work arrangements can do wonders for workplace efficiency.

2. Use Software and Systems That Support, Measure, and Drive Efficiency

The introduction of 21st Century technology has completely changed the way we operate both in our personal and professional lives.

The market for these types of software and systems is expected to grow to $96.26 Billion by 2025. 

Considering the effectiveness of the productivity software market on workplace efficiency, it makes sense.

The same article as above also states that “...Increasing use of productivity software to monitor and manage the work processes is helping in achieving resource efficiency, quicker turnarounds, faster processes, and reduced cost across industry verticals.”

Productivity software and systems that support, measure, and drive efficiency are great ways to track output in one central database. This allows you to optimize where necessary and get a grip on the main strengths (and weaknesses) in your place of work.

Employee monitoring software and employee time tracking software like Workpuls are perfect for helping boost workplace efficiency and hit business goals faster.

3. Automate and Outsource Menial Tasks

Automation is a trend that will only continue to grow in the world of commerce. The same is true for outsourcing.

There is no doubt that the concept of automation and outsourcing—more so automation—is controversial. Many believe that robots will take our jobs in the future and there will be nothing left for us humans.

Luckily, we haven’t gotten to that point yet.

For now, automation and outsourcing present a major advantage for businesses that we didn’t have a decade or two ago. And, it seems as though the pros outweigh the cons.

According to recent research by SmartSheet, “Over 40% of workers surveyed spend at least a quarter of their workweek on manual, repetitive tasks, with email, data collection, and data entry occupying the most time.”

Tasks like data entry, approvals, sign-offs, requests, and others can all be automated.

Software like contract management solutions can be implemented in order to drastically cut down the time it once took for certain processes.

From the same SmartSheet article, it was reported that “...nearly 60 percent of workers surveyed estimate they could save six or more hours a week — almost a full workday — if the repetitive aspects of their jobs were automated.”

What this research shows is that - to some extent - the outsourcing or automation of tasks can be used to greatly improve work efficiency.

This is another excellent tactic used by efficient teams and one you should consider strongly.

4. Create Positive Working Environments and Team Dynamics

We already discussed how offering flexible working arrangements can improve morale in the workplace. This is just one part of nurturing a positive work environment. 

Creating a positive working environment and team dynamic (and avoiding a toxic workplace) is one of the most effective ways to maintain morale and work efficiency.

To create a positive working environment:

  • Check-in with employees regularly.
  • Promote an effective workplace culture.
  • Allow for professional growth wherever possible.
  • Encourage frequent communication (between employees and higher-ups).

And to improve team dynamics:

  • Get to know your team in any way possible.
  • Focus on communication (workplace communication can suffer when individuals are not encouraged to do so).
  • Promote collaboration in the workplace whenever possible.
  • Ensure staff knows their own responsibilities and focus on each individual’s strengths in the workplace.
  • Break down barriers whenever possible.

These seemingly simple tasks will go a long way to promote teamwork in the workplace.

5. Eliminate Unnecessary Meetings 

According to the Harvard Business Review, “...On average, [executives] spend nearly 23 hours a week in them, up from less than 10 hours in the 1960s. What’s more, the meetings are often poorly timed, badly run, or both.”

What’s even more shocking is research detailed in a recent article from Otter.ai, which claims “..most employees attend 62 meetings per month, where half of the meetings are a complete waste of time.”

The answer is simple: eliminate unnecessary meetings. 

Before scheduling a meeting, consider whether it is absolutely necessary or not.

Ask yourself:

  • Have I thoroughly considered the situation in question?
  • Do I need input from others?
  • Can this be an email?
  • Is face-to-face or in-person conversation necessary?

Reducing meetings that are not 100% essential will work wonders for workplace efficiency.

Final Thoughts

Workplace efficiency is a very important aspect of business that can make or break your ability to reach goals, hit milestones, and make consistent progress.

Analyzing your place of work’s current output and optimizing wherever possible is a very high-ROI activity. The five tactics shared in this article are great places to start in order to take steps towards maximum operational efficiency.

Workpuls is a workforce productivity and analytics solution that helps organizations improve efficiency by offering tools like an employee time tracking, computer monitoring software, and a work time tracker.

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  • PJ Eriksen

    Fairness is often lacking.

  • David Turnbull

    Excellent points.

  • Chris Mcleod

    Trust and more flexibility is what I need to perform more.

  • Jack Dawkins

    Spot on! Thanks for the tactics.

  • Worksnaps

    Great tips, Daniel! Improving workplace efficiency is about helping employees work smarter, not harder.