What Can A Qualitative Market Research Company Do For Your Brand?

Daniel Hall 21/05/2024

It gathers rich, descriptive data through interviews, observations, focus groups, and open-ended surveys. 

Most brands use qualitative techniques as they allow them to explore the “why” behind customer actions, uncovering the emotional, social, and cultural factors that play a significant role in them. This depth of understanding is valuable for businesses planning to build new products, services, and experiences that resonate with customers. 

Moreover, qualitative research allows businesses to identify needs and gaps that may not be apparent through quantitative data analysis alone. This research technique gives the customer a voice, helping researchers understand how to refine offerings and deliver a personalized experience. 

Various Forms of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research data analysis is mainly conversational and conducted through discussions or interviews. Some of the most common ways of conducting this research are: 

Focus Groups: 

In this research method, researchers initiate and moderate a discussion about the research topic within a small group. This focus group contains people who are chosen after various considerations. Market research companies use this method to collect shared opinions, behaviors, and attitudes related to their products or services. 

In-Depth Interviews: 

In-depth interviews (IDI) are most preferred when collecting qualitative information. The one-on-one interviews connect researchers deeply to a respondent’s feelings, thoughts, and experiences. These interviews generally provide detailed information that uncovers underlying motivations in their decision-making process. 

Researchers commonly use other qualitative methods, including observational research and open-ended surveys. The form of interviews or discussions depends on the research objectives and available resources. 

Types of Approaches Used To Get Results In Qualitative Research Data Analysis 

Most of the time, qualitative research is conducted either by discussing with the respondent or organizing a focus group. But, to ensure that we arrive at the discussion that will help researchers meet their objectives, the following approaches are used: 

Grounded Theory 

Grounded theory is an inductive approach to arrive at a theory. Most research begins with a hypothesis, which is then tested to see if the hypothesis is correct. In grounded theory, researchers go in without any assumptions and depend on the data collected from the interview to form theories. According to grounded theory, a researcher goes in with open questions about a concept/problem or instance and analyzes until enough data is collected to form a fully-fledged theory. 

This theory can be applied to a company looking to improve its brand strategy. With Grounded theory, the company gathers information from past, present, and potential customers to understand the type of branding they like and dislike. 

Action Research

Action Research is conducted in two parts—one part is the study, and the other part is problem-solving. Analysts investigate the existing problem or gap and develop an actionable plan to tackle it. This research approach is cyclical. Here, analysts assess solutions to boost efficiency and effectiveness and create further suggestions to address any issues found in the process. 

This approach is used when a product already in the market fails to perform. After the reason for its non-performance is identified, actionable solutions are suggested. The approach also checks whether a secondary issue is created with the application of the solution and finds a way to solve the secondary problem, too. 

Phenomenological Research

This approach examines people’s experiences in depth, investigates the phenomenon, and understands the situation. Phenomenological research is primarily descriptive and helps researchers broaden their understanding of the incident and the people involved. Researchers must be careful and set aside any biases or assumptions, as the information used in this approach should be entirely about the subjects themselves. 

A researcher looking to better understand the user’s experience with the product experience before and after the update uses this approach. It helps researchers get insights into the download process, accessibility, and experience with the product or platform. Researchers collect enough information to form a foundational relationship with the respondents after conducting interviews with past users, active users, and potential customers. After the first round, the next session is more targeted, with questions that prompt the users to discuss their emotions surrounding the product. Finally, the researcher will conduct a qualitative research data analysis and identify themes that will contextualize the user experiences. 


Ethnographic research is an immersive study of a specific culture or community. Researchers aim to understand a group’s cultural habits, conventions, societal dynamics, and ceremonial practices. Most researchers implement an active observation method, finding ways to integrate themselves into the culture and habits as much as possible. 

A business hires an external researcher to understand its culture on different levels. The researcher can either become a part of the company or observe and discuss the research objective with the employees. Ultimately, the goal is to deliver a detailed company culture report. 

Case Studies

Case studies are in-depth analyses of a situation. This approach can focus on anything from an organization to a belief system, event, person, and action. The main goal of this study is to understand the subject at hand and put it into a context that resonates with the real world. 

Choosing the Right Research Partner 

Finding the right research partner is critical for achieving market research success and getting valuable insights. Some key factors to consider while selecting the factors are 

  • Industry expertise,

  • Proven capabilities in implementing a variety of research approaches,

  • Strong analytical skills to translate non-numerical data into insights,

  • Proficiency in recruiting suitable candidates and skilled moderation.

The ideal partner must deeply understand your industry, target customer, and objectives. Their qualitative research mastery, partnership skills, and adherence to best practices should ensure you receive impactful, trustworthy findings. It is essential to thoroughly vet all the potential partners upfront as it increases confidence in the insights that drive your strategic decisions.

The Borderless Access Approach To Qualitative Research 

At Borderless Access, we identify the value a qualitative research data analysis brings to the business. Our seasoned team of researchers brings a wealth of experience and expertise to every project we undertake. 

  1. Tailored methodologies: We understand that every research project is unique and look forward to designing a customized approach to research that successfully meets the client’s needs.

  2. Expert Moderators: Our team ensures the respondents are comfortable with the environment and generate rich and candid discussions.

  3. In-depth Analysis: We have data analysis tools and techniques that uncover meaningful and actionable insights.

  4. Global Perspective: Our reach extends across geographies, enabling us to effectively navigate the minute cultural quirks and work with diverse consumers.

  5. Immediate and Actionable insights: Delivering insights beyond data is the company’s vision. We pride ourselves on providing insights that inform strategy and help business growth.

Qualitative Research Can Help You Differentiate Your Brand

For any brand to succeed, it must stand out of the crowd or carve a niche for itself. Qualitative research can help a brand identify its path toward differentiation by identifying factors that set it apart. 

Even if a brand is operating in a saturated market, using qualitative research to draw insights from it signifies the recognition of demand and opportunity. With qualitative research, brands can recognize consumers’ preferences and tailor offerings to target them effectively. It is an advantage if a brand is staying attuned to market changes. This move ensures adaptability and agility, which are traits essential for thriving in competitive markets. 

Doing the research also gives brands a chance to find their USPs and offer something unique, that “oomph,” to appeal to customers. Be it exceptional customer service or innovative features, taking that extra step cultivates loyalty.

Ultimately, Qualitative research can help brands understand their customers beyond numbers. It gives insights to guide brands toward distinctiveness and relevance, even in a crowded marketplace. 

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