Christmas Trees – Ornamental or Not?

There are at least seventeen Christmas Tree Organizations in the United States. Their lobbying efforts have been producing fruit for their members for over forty years and are instructive for anyone who wants to understand what is going on in Washington D.C. right now.


Dynasties & Dynamics of Succession

Is the baton handed over to ensure success in the future or just to maintain status quo? The long-term legacies of people, businesses, political parties, sports teams and media houses have been defined by who succeeds next. But this process of succession has different complexities. Viewed from the outside, it appears that often emotion dictates decisions than any logic.


India Does it Again!

Economic reforms and fiscal discipline are amongst the most difficult things to manage even for economically developed nations with matured media and fully literate population. The negatives from reforms are visible immediately in lost popularity and public outcry, and the positives take a very long time to fructify – by that time, often, the next Government is running the show – in a democratic country, of course. Now just imagine how difficult implementation of reforms could be for a vibrant democracy and fast developing economy like India with its huge poor and illiterate population.


Personal Artificial Intelligence

Engaging with customers daily can sometimes be fascinating. With so many new ideas and innovations in the tech world every year, the eagerness to talk to them and share this with them is great. It can be humbling then, astonishing even, when you go to a customer to talk about a topic like Machine Learning, only to see that not only have they embraced your technology, but are already pushing the boundaries in ways you haven’t seen previously. And when the person giving you a detailed instruction of what they’re doing is barely out of college, it does fill you with some excitement and optimism.


Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Viewpoint

I always frown a little bit when people call me "The Disruptor" or "The Fresh, New Voice on the Scene." Seriously, I just tell the truth. No lube. No sugarcoating. No bedtime story afterward. The truth has become something people fear hearing vs. actually wanting to hear it and using the information to avert disaster or stave off the inevitable for as long as they can. And it's caused alarming levels of complacency and ignorance to the storm that has already aligned its clouds and about ready to unleash a fury like we've only seen once or twice in history. So I'm about to dispense with a little truth that you're not going to like hearing, but is imperative for you to start wrapping your head around so that you can begin making some adjustments to your life to avoid, even circumvent the inevitable. Ready?

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