Finding Purpose in an Increasingly Purpose-Driven World

Letting go of an unsatisfying career was a critical part of creating a life without regrets. Finding a purpose was another. Self-help gurus often harp on making your passion your profession. But I have realized along the way: Passion is often overrated. Passion blinds your vision and clouds your judgment. Purpose, on the other hand, drives you to stay relevant and respond faster to rapid changes.

The Importance of Competitive Intelligence

The Importance of Competitive Intelligence

As businesses strive to become pioneers in their respective fields, smart insights could prove helpful in this pursuit. Competitive intelligence lends that helping hand to your aspirations.


Rise of the Machines - will AI lead to Super Intelligence or Doomsday?

Ray Kurzweil is Google's director of engineering and a highly accurate futurist who has predicted that machines will surpass human intelligence by 2045. This tipping point is termed the 'singularity' and the implications of computers becoming more intelligent than their makers has divided opinion in the scientific and technological communities.


Internet of Things and Information Governance

Information governance will enable enterprises to utilize IoT to its maximum potential. Organizations tend to underestimate data and its governance. With the rise of IoT, interconnected devices are generating data like never before!


The Power of Pre Mortems

In a medical setting, a post mortem has a rather grisly context—an examination to determine a person’s cause of death and other contributing medical factors.

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