Kahlil Gibran’s Quotes about Love & Friendship Resonate Today

In the lengthening after-shadows of Valentine’s Day, and with a dear lady friend in mind — the very lovely “Ms. MCL” who is otherwise spoken for — I meditated on love, the platonic type, which was originally called Socratic love. Platonic love suggests that by disciplining our mind to contemplate the divine beauty in another person, we can “intuit the (actual) nature of the divine.”


Price Dispersement and Bargain Hunting

Economists sometimes talk of the "law of one price," which basically says that when consumers are bargain-hunting between competing firms, the same price will tend to prevail everywhere. After all, any provider who tries to charge more would lose sales.


Dissecting Long-Run International Productivity Patterns

The overall growth of a country's GDP can be divided into five categories: growth of population, change in employment rate, change in hours worked, "capital deepening" (change in capital per worker), and growth of productivity (here measured by total factor productivity or GDP). Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette, and Rémy Lecat use this framework to review "Total Factor Productivity in Advanced Countries: A Long-termPerspective," in the Spring 2017 issue of International Productivity Monitor (vol. 32,  pp. 6-24).


Why Your Innovation Initiative Will Fail

There are many reasons why your startup will fail, but the main ones are 1) you create a product or service no one wants to buy, and 2) you do not have a profitable and VAST business model.


GST Rate Cut – Panacea or Brief Pain Relief for Real Estate?

GST rate cut or not, GST-exempt ready-to-move draws maximum sales. Of total unsold stock of 6.73 lakh units in the top 7 cities, only 13% are ready-to-move-in. Of 5.88 lakh unsold under-construction units, 20% to be completed in 2019 – addition of 1.16 lakh RTM units. Can a marginal tax saving on overpriced properties trigger sentiment revival in delay-tainted under construction segment?

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