They’re Coming: Digital Humans

I’ve been writing and talking about digital humans for some time now, strongly and assured they will enter our lives sooner than we expect. The other thing that keeps me thinking is the impact it will have on a number of aspects in society. 


4 Innovations that will Change the World

It is rightly said that science, technology and growth are closely related to each other.


Why Economists Usually Oppose New Light Rail and Subways

When it comes to urban mass transit, economists often find themselves arguing that, the ratio of benefits to costs in most is far better for buses than for rail-based system--unless there is a densely populated urban core where nearly-full trains can run a very frequent intervals. Matthew Turner explains why in "Local Transportation Policy and Economic Opportunity," written for the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution (January 31, 2019).


How Technology Breathes Life into Buildings

Safety and security at its best, automatic temperature control, and smart lighting control - what if your buildings get smart enough and offer all of this? Seems like a fantasy? No more a fantasy, smart buildings are coming soon!


Banks vs HFCs – Which Is the Better Home Loan Option?

After zeroing on a property, buyers need to identify a suitable home loan lender to fulfil their financial needs. Officially, there are two major lenders in the market – banks (including both public and private banks) and the housing finance companies (HFCs). To get the best deal, a buyer must select a lender depending on their prevailing interest rates, eligibility criteria, processing fee and other factors.

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