Analysing China's Growth and Inequality

Since 1978, China's share of world population has declined mildly from 23% to about 19%. In those same 40 yeas, China's share of world GDP has risen dramatically from 3% to about 20%. Here's China's share of world population and the global economy since the start of its economic reforms.


10 Myths about Cloud Computing

Cloud is recognized as facilitating “speed-to-market” – and for its ability to drive business agility. This is because cloud supports rapid experimentation and innovation by allowing companies to quickly try and even adopt new solutions without significant up-front costs. The #Cloud can be a highly agile wrapper around different systems, different behavior and bringing it all together in an engagement cycle. By changing the way people interact with technology, cloud enables new forms of consumer engagement, expand collaboration across the value chain and bring innovation to companies’ core business models.


What Leaders Must Do to Keep Talent

As I sat, waiting for my friend to finish her 10-minute brain dump, I made notes of all her key issues working for her current employer:


Why Being Likeable is Great for Any Business

I recently had the pleasure of talking with Dave Kerpen of Dave is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur and global keynote speaker. He graciously shared some tips on how businesses can incorporate personal style, likeability and the strategy behind becoming a best selling author.


Bias Has Been Overestimated at the Expense of Noise

Daniel Kahneman (Nobel 2002) is of course known for his extensive work on behavioral biases and how they affect economic decisions. He's now working on a new book, together with Olivier Sibony and Cass Sunstein, in which he focuses instead on the concept of "noise".

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