More in Technology

7 years

Apple & Accenture Have Joined Forces

Apple and Accenture have decided to work together to design new apps and experiences using new technologies. Both companies are partnering to help businesses transform how their people engage with customers through innovative business solutions for iOS.

7 years

The Microchip Implant Takeover

Microchips implanted in human bodies could transform the way workers tackle everyday tasks. In Sweden, for instance, some employees are already volunteering to have chips injected into their hands to reduce the amount of personal items they need to carry. However, as beautiful and simple as it may sound, the controversial trend could put your privacy at risk. 

7 years

Barcelona: Europe's Tech Jewel

Despite the recent terrorist attacks, Barcelona's huge tech potential remains undeterred. By focusing on the Internet of Things (IoT) and welcoming innovative startups, the opportunities are endless for Spain's jewel. Thanks to the smart city program, Barcelona managed to enhance the quality of life of its own citizens providing them better resources and services.  

7 years

LinkedIn's New Video Feature

LinkedIn will soon roll out a new video feature via its mobile app, allowing users to record and upload up to 10 minutes of native video. Similar to the other social media platforms, videos can be shot both vertically and horizontally.

7 years

Whatsapp Has Reached 1.3 Billion Users

There are 7.5 billion people on this planet and WhatsApp says that 13.3% of them are using Whatsapp every day. The eight-year old messaging app reached the one billion active monthly user milestone a year ago, and now has 1.3 billion monthly active users, most of whom use it daily, according to the company.

7 years

Big Data in Healthcare

Big data analytics have transformed the way companies identify trends, challenges and opportunities. As businesses transform digitally using innovative technologies, healthcare faces the pressure of following suit. Healthcare providers and executives are utilising big data to improve patient outcomes while lowering costs.

7 years

The Next Big FinTech Innovation

There is huge interest and investment in alternative payment technologies to replace the use of traditional cash and bank cards across both digital and analogue transactions. In the last two decades, PayPal has become one of the major players in digital payments, although their business primarily operates through Ebay transactions. Tap-and-pay payments such as Apple Pay and Android Pay have also become more prominent with the rise of smartphone usage and incorporation of NFC technology into smart devices.  

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