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6 years

How Bad Leaders Ruin Their Culture Without Even Knowing It

I used to think “culture” was a buzzword. I used to think culture wasn’t as important as the strategy and execution. I heard Peter Drucker’s quote a thousand times, but I didn’t really believe it:

6 years

3 Questions Great Leaders Ask Their Remote Team Every Week

I can't lie, I used to think having remote workers was a terrible idea. I couldn't see any path for working remotely that created a better and more effective team. Having said that, the realities of commuting, employee demands, and cost have flipped the traditional work model on its head and have even forced some of my own team to work remotely.  

6 years

10 Impactful Business Tips for Beginners

In today’s ever changing world, entrepreneurs need to be well aware of the latest trends that are buzzing in the market and master the technologies that could provide them more opportunities. In this article, we will provide some tips and strategies for those are about to initiate a business. 

6 years

Women Leaders Can't Control How Others Evaluate Them. Or Can They?

You may have a leadership title, or tremendous leadership potential, but that in itself doesn’t give you leadership presence.

6 years

The Body Language of Charisma

Let's face it, in business dealings, charisma counts. A lot. And charisma is as much about impressions and body language as it is about issues and substance. I've seen many qualified people get passed over for promotion (or lose a sale or fail an interview) simply because they couldn’t project an engaging attitude.

6 years

Competitor Analysis in a Business Plan

Are you familiar with the term competitor analysis? If yes, then you already know the advantages it beholds. If you are not, then it’s time to include competitor analysis in your marketing plan now.

6 years

What is My Brand’s Mental File Folder?

"People can only buy from your business if they have first paid attention to it. And attention is a scarce resource these days."

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